Tag Archives: #EroticRomance

Interview with Paige Warren… #authorinterview


Everyone give a warm welcome to author Paige Warren! She’s stopping by the blog today to tell us a little about her writing and herself…  Be sure to enter her giveaway at the end of the interview! I’m sure Paige would be happy to answer any questions left in the comments as well.

  • Do you remember when you completed your first book or novella? What can you tell us about it?

PAIGE: The first book I ever finished was a short novella called Baby and All. It was a sweet romance, but there was bad language. It’s actually still available for purchase. I’d mostly just wanted to see if I could finish a book. I’d written stories before, but I always made it about halfway then couldn’t seem to write the ending.

  • When you’re writing, do you prefer writing longhand or using a computer or other electronic device?

PAIGE: I used to use a combination of the two. Now that I’ve gotten older, writing longhand isn’t really an option for me. Not that I’m ancient, but a massive amount of typing since the age of 15 caused arthritis to hit me early. Even typing can be a challenge some days.

  • Do you have any vices when you’re trying to meet a deadline?

PAIGE: Does coffee count? Then again, I think coffee is my vice even when I’m not writing. I do keep both gum and peppermints on my desk. Sometimes they help me think when I’m stuck.

  • Do you write in a dedicated office space? Can you describe your writing nook?

PAIGE: I don’t know that it’s necessarily an “office” per se, but I do have a writing table set up in my bedroom. It’s just an inexpensive folding table, but I’m hoping to have an actual office one day.

  • When you’re writing, do you need absolute silence or background noise? If you like noise, what’s your preference? Music, movies, traffic…

PAIGE: Definitely need background noise! Usually have music playing, but sometimes I’ll open a browser tab and play movies on Netflix. But it certainly matters what type of noise… for instance, my husband sleeping while I’m working and snoring doesn’t help at all. In fact, it chases me from the room LOL

  • When you aren’t writing, what are some things you enjoy doing either alone or with family/friends?

PAIGE: I enjoy movies, in moderation. While I enjoy going to see a movie at the theater at least once a month, watching them at home is… Well, let’s just say that I keep an ereader or book nearby and when I start to lose interest, I end up reading instead.

  • What’s the most difficult part of writing (for you)?

PAIGE: Probably staying focused long enough to finish the book. I usually have a strong start, up until around the 5k words mark. Then I struggle a bit. The middle flows really well, but about ¾ through the book, I have trouble moving forward and finishing it. It’s why I have a folder full of about 30 partially written books, if not more. Some only have a few thousand words and others have 30,000 or more. I hope to one day finish them all, but we’ll see.


Paige’s latest release is currently available for preorder at retailers. Collateral Damage will release at the end of November 2019! If you like Mafia Romance, be sure to check it out!


Power. Money. Fear. I’ve wielded them all. But not with Cerys. My angel, my light. My everything.






Giveaway starts 5am CST November 13th and ends 11:59pm CST November 17th




COVER REVEAL: Renegade (Devil’s Boneyard MC) by Harley Wylde

My past taught me family means pain.
I don’t want one, other than my club.
But fate has other plans.




Cover Artist: Bryan Keller
Genres/Themes: Action Adventure, Guilty Pleasures (Contemporary),
MC Romance, New Adult, Single Parent/Pregnancy


Darby: At fifteen, I thought I knew everything. Having been in foster care all my life, not much scared me. I’d already faced monsters parading around as upstanding citizens. But life hadn’t prepared me for a biker who would lure me in, kidnap me, and abuse me for five years. I got Fawn out of it, my precious girl, and a lot of bad memories. Being tossed into a dumpster and left to die wasn’t at the top of my list, but Renegade found me. I’ve never had a man be kind to me or my daughter before — especially not a biker — and I’m not sure what to think. I want to trust him, but I don’t want to give him my heart only to have him turn out like every other man I’ve ever known. It would break me.

Renegade: I lost my family a long time ago, and I vowed I’d never have another. I still have Nikki, my baby sis, and that’s enough. My club is a family, but that’s different. I trust them, and in my own way I love them, but it’s not the same as having a wife and kids. I’ll never go down that path. Then I found Fawn and her mother, Darby, thrown away like unwanted trash. Yeah, Fate’s laughing her ass off right now. They’re in my home, and slowly worming their way under my skin. Hearing their story is enough to make my blood boil and send rage flooding through me. I’ll exact revenge for all they’ve suffered, and then they’ll truly be free, able to move on without fear of being taken again. Except… I might not want to let them go.

WARNING: This story contains violence, bad language, and really hot sex. While there are abuse themes, nothing is told in great detail.




Coming to Changeling Press on September 6th



International Best Selling Author!

Short. Erotic. Sweet. Harley’s other half would probably say those words describe her, but they also describe her books. When Harley is writing, her motto is the hotter the better. Off the charts sex, commanding men, and the women who can’t deny them. If you want men who talk dirty, are sexy as hell, and take what they want, then you’ve come to the right place.

Harley’s WebsiteFind her on FacebookFollow her on Twitter

Harley at Changeling Press



October is READ A BANNED BOOK month at Changeling Press!

2206Use the promo code ReadABannedBook on any order at Changeling Press now till the end of October and take 15% off your total — as many books as you can fit in your cart!


Okay, this book wasn’t actually banned, but the original cover, after eight long years on the market, was banned by KOBO. Our cover artist at Changeling Press (Bryan Keller) had to hand paint that lovely little thong you see onto the genie in order to make the cover acceptable. On the original cover Rhiannon was not wearing a thong, but KOBO decided it might offend someone (even though her private parts weren’t actually visible) , hence the thong. She looks so much more respectable in a thong! For a look at the original cover, scroll down to the bottom of the post. 🙂


Rhiannon is sick and tired of her job. She wants out. Literally. For the past six hundred years she’s been the Genie in the Lamp. You know the drill. Some dumb human comes along, rubs the lamp, and presto! Rhiannon has to grant them three wishes. She’s tired of humans, and she’s tired of making their dreams come true. She petitions the head of the Council of the Fae to replace her, and she’s ecstatic when her request is granted.

Of course, there’s one teensie little condition. Isn’t there always?

She has to travel to the far reaches of the fairy realm and convince the tooth fairy to go back to work. It seems she isn’t the only who’s tired of her job. And when she finds the elusive fairy, he’s nothing like what she expected. It’s time to turn the tables on the Council of the Fae


“You want me to do what?” Rhiannon stared at the representative from the Genie Council. Dressed in bright silk harem pants and a heavily sequined vest, he’d materialized in her cozy little lamp with no warning at all. Of course, she’d been waiting for an answer to her petition since the last full moon so he wasn’t entirely unexpected.

“We want you to find the tooth fairy and convince him to go back to work.” The genie toyed with the cord that held up his harem pants. “Seems he’s gone AWOL, and the humans are starting to notice. If you can do this small task for us, the Council of the Fae may feel inclined to grant your request.”

Rhiannon let out an exasperated sigh. Small task, my ass. “And how am I supposed to find a fairy? I’m a genie. Fairies live in a whole different realm, one I don’t know my way around.”

The representative shrugged. “You’re the one with a petition in front of the Council. You solve this problem for them, and they’re more likely to look favorably on it.”

Rhiannon bit back a curse. That was tantamount to blackmail. Why hadn’t she seen this coming? Actually, she’d expected them to turn her down outright. The last genie in a bottle had to serve the full one thousand years before she’d been reassigned to live happily ever after with some corporal in the U.S. Army. They must be desperate to find the tooth fairy if they were willing to negotiate with her.

“How long do I have to get him to reconsider? It’s a male, right?”

The genie’s mouth twisted in a wry smile. “Yes, he’s male, and you have one week to find him and talk him into returning to work. We can cover his absence for a week, but after that people are going to start noticing. If you fail to convince him, it’s back in the bottle for you.”

Right. Seven days. Let’s not make this an impossible task or anything. “So how long has he been missing?”

The genie raised his wrist, surveying a gaudy cartoon character watch. “Almost two hours now. Time’s a wasting.” He made shooing movements with his hands. “Go on. Go find him and talk some sense into him.”

“Right.” She could do this. Fairies were slight, kind of airy things right? If he refused to cooperate, she’d just threaten to tickle him until he peed his pants. That should bring him around. “So do you have any hints as to where I might find this tooth fairy guy?”

“If we knew that, we wouldn’t need you! We’d go find him ourselves.” The exasperation in the genie’s voice was gratifying. “I’d suggest you hoof it over to the fairy realm and start looking. It’s a big place. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a Cinderella Ball to attend tonight and I need to get my tux dry-cleaned.”

“Fine. I’ll get right on this.” She summoned what she hoped was a convincing smile. “I take it you can see yourself out?”

“Of course. I saw myself in.” With a flourish of his hand, the genie disappeared, a lingering cloud of pale green smoke the only thing to mark his passage.

Rhiannon looked around cautiously, making sure he wasn’t hiding on top of one of the bookshelves or in a corner. Council representatives weren’t the most trustworthy characters. She wouldn’t put it past him to make a show of leaving and then hide somewhere to spy on her.

She checked the last bookshelf. Yup, he was gone. Time to get moving. First, she needed to freshen up her makeup, and put on her lucky pair of black patent leather knee-high boots. She’d find the silly tooth fairy and get him back to work. She had to. Another four hundred years in this damn bottle, and she’d be ready to kill every single member of the Council of the Fae.

Pre-Order Now:


Barnes & Noble



Happy Reading!AK_OneHotFairyTale_large

Anne Kane


Throwback Thursday: Vaaden Warriors by Jessica Coulter Smith #scifi #aliens #RomanceBooks

Living in a male dominant society, Vaaden warriors must obtain slaves from Earth to meet their needs….


Vaaden Warriors Box Set (Intergalactic Affairs 2)

Genres/Themes: Science Fiction, Alien Encounters, Futuristic, Alternate Universe
Cover Artist: Renee George
Length: Boxed Set

A planet dominated by men, men ruled by their lust, Vaaden is harsh and unyielding toward women. When three Vaaden warriors claim slaves procured from Earth, they will face emotions they never knew they possessed. Rheul doesn’t believe in love, until he meets his new slave; Randar must choose between his duty or his heart; Thale thought he was saving Moira, but in the end she saved him.

This collection contains the previously released Vaaden Warriors novellas RheulRandar, and Thale.


Get it at Changeling Press

also available at online retailers



Copyright ©2014 Jessica Coulter Smith
Excerpt from Rheul

Bastian entered the room with a petite woman with long, wavy black hair that hung down her back to her waist. She was even shorter than Enid, if that were possible, and I felt the sudden urge to protect her. Foreboding filled me, and I realized these feelings weren’t good. I hadn’t even been introduced the woman yet, and I already wanted to protect her? What would be next?

I moved to stand before her. I looked down into her upturned face; guileless blue eyes stared up at me. Her porcelain skin looked petal soft, and I wanted to touch it, to see if it felt as silky smooth as it looked. Clenching my fists, I fought the urge to sweep her into my arms and hold her close, to breathe her in.

“What’s your name?” I asked her gruffly.


“I’m Rheul. Do you know why you’re here?”

“I was told I am to be your slave,” she answered softly, her voice wrapping around me like warm silk.

Damn. I was in serious trouble. Only in her presence a matter of minutes, and I already wanted to sink to my knees and bury my face against her, inhaling the scent I imagined would be uniquely hers. I wasn’t sure what the hell was wrong with me, but I needed to fix it and quick.

My expression must have given something away because Bastian smirked at me and Enid had a knowing look in her eye. I cleared my throat and reached for Darcy. “It’s time I took you home and got you settled.”

“Rheul, would you mind if I visited her?” Enid asked.

Bastian growled. “Forget Rheul. I don’t want you visiting. You’re not to go to the slave quarters!”

Enid rolled her eyes and sighed, patting her pregnant belly. “Honestly, Bastian. It isn’t like I haven’t seen them before. In case you’ve forgotten, I did live there for a while.”

“Things are different now,” he said, putting an arm around her.

She smiled up at him and for one moment, I envied them. I knew I’d never experience that with a Vaaden woman, but one day I would be required to marry, especially now that Bastian wouldn’t. While Enid might have special permissions not allowed to most slaves, she was still a slave. She and Bastian could never marry, no matter how much they might want to.

Clearing my throat, I took Darcy by the arm and led her to the front of the house, and called over my shoulder, “I’ll see you later.” Once we were outside, I led her toward the slave buildings. “Time to take you home.”

Darcy looked up at me. “How is it that I can understand everything you say even outside of a home? While I was confined, I noticed the translation boxes in the cells, and I saw one inside the house.”

I flipped up the collar of my shirt, showing her a small silver circle. “This translates up to five hundred languages, automatically selecting the ones being spoken.” I smiled down at her. “Since I designed it, I figured I should be the first to test it.”

She looked impressed, and I felt proud of my accomplishment, which made no sense. What did I care what a slave thought? Her opinion didn’t matter. “Is that where we’re going?” she asked, pointing to the tall windowless building ahead of us.

“Yes. Your… I believe you would call it an apartment, is in that building.”

“Mine? You will not stay there?”

“No.” She looked up at me a moment longer, but didn’t say a word. When we reached the building, she looked at her surroundings, but I couldn’t tell anything by her expression. If she was shocked or appalled, she didn’t show it.

When we reached the fourth floor, I opened her apartment door and ushered her inside. Even though I’d had the inside re-done for Enid when she’d stayed with me briefly, during a time when Bastian had clearly lost his mind, I’d made it over again for Darcy. Enid hadn’t used it, but it still seemed like the right thing to do.

She studied everything silently, her fingers trailing over the soft comforter. “What’s behind that door?” she asked, pointing to the silver panel on the opposite wall.

“Your bathroom.”

I pressed my hand against the surface, and the door opened with a whoosh, disappearing into the wall. The interior was the same marble from top to bottom as the flooring in the living room, except it was a pale gray.

She eyed the shower in curiosity. “How does it work?” she asked softly.

I pressed a silver button on the wall, and water cascaded from the top, creating a waterfall of sorts. The shower was a little different from most. I’d had it designed special, wanting something unique. I showed her how to work the soap dispenser and the sink before turning off the shower.

She hesitated before leaving the bathroom. “May I… may I take a shower now?”

I studied her more carefully and realized her slave garment was dirty. It angered me that they hadn’t taken proper care of her, but again my reaction made no sense. The slaves were never treated well before they were claimed, so why would mine have been treated differently? She’d turned my world upside down, and I didn’t like it.

“Let me find you something clean to wear.”

I walked over to the closet and opened the door the same way as the bathroom. Anticipating her arrival, I’d purchased several tunics for her, slightly longer than the slave garment she had on, but nothing like the dresses Vaaden women wore. I selected a soft blue, pulled it out of the closet and took it to her.

When I handed it to her, tears gathered in her eyes, making me feel slightly uncomfortable. “You don’t like it?”

“It isn’t that,” she said quietly. “I just didn’t expect… I’d heard… A few of the women in the cell spoke of what happened when Vaadens claimed slaves.”

“And how did they know what happened?”

“They’d been claimed and returned.” She looked down at her hands. “One of them had been abused by her owner.”

I frowned. That was highly unusual. Typically, if a Vaaden didn’t want his slave, he gave her away, or killed her. In some instances, she would be turned over to the harems. Was there a new policy in place I knew nothing about?

“I’ve never heard of that being done before. Are you sure that’s what happened?”

“That’s what they claimed.”

“Did they explain what Vaaden men expect of their slaves?”

She blushed and looked away. “You want me to sleep with you.”

I gently reached out and grasped her chin, turning her to face me. She wouldn’t meet my gaze at first, but finally her eyes met mine. I didn’t see fear, but I did see uncertainty. “I promise I won’t hurt you.”

“But it’s true?”

“Yes, it’s true…”



Award-winning author Jessica Coulter Smith has been in love with the written word since she was a child writing her first stories in crayon. Today she’s a multi-published author of over seventy-five novellas and novels. Romance is an integral part of her world and she firmly believes that love will find you at the right time, even if Mr. Right is literally out of this world.

Find Jessica on Facebook / Twitter / Instagram / jessicacoultersmith.com.

Throwback Thursday! Her Cyborg Lover – the book that launched the series!

2570 (1)Her Cyborg Lover

(Terras Five – Book One)

By Anne Kane

Genres: Sci –Fi, Cyborgs, romance





Natalie’s loved and lost and she’s not so sure she wants to risk her heart again. She’s willing to settle for a challenging career as a space-pilot instructor and a succession of no-strings attached lovers. But that’s before her boss saddles her with the last thing she wants—a new partner.

Jebediah recognizes his perfect match in Natalie from the moment she seduces him on a dare. Everything that makes her a top-notch pilot, from her fearlessness to her passion, make a night in her bed both challenging and unforgettable.

A dangerous confrontation with a brutal enemy, an exploding drive engine and a traitor close to home throw everything into perspective. Natalie is going to have to put the past behind her and risk it all, because when your partner is also your lover, failure is not an option.



“Delta Class Scout ship. I order you to identify yourself, or be prepared to handle the consequences.”

A deep male chuckle rolled through the comm link. Natalie blinked. Laughter? Was the idiot actually laughing at her? He was so going to eat her dust, and that would be before she grounded his sorry ass for the next decade or two.

Thirty years of practice gave her the edge every single time one of the cadets pulled a stupid stunt like this. Engaging the infrared overlay on the cerebral interface, she mentally plotted the other ship’s most likely course. Only an experienced space jockey understood that the shortest route was rarely the quickest, or the easiest.

Sure enough, the idiot darted between the two large asteroids directly in front of him. A seasoned pilot would know that the combined gravitational fields of the rocks created a braking effect on any smaller object caught between the two of them. Real-life one on one versus theory in the classroom. She could almost feel sorry for the pilot as he struggled to wrest control of his ship from the two inanimate objects.

Almost, but not quite.

She circled around the trap, putting herself directly between the rocket jockey and home base. Let him watch her tail for a while before she slapped him into the brig. Waggling her wings in an insulting salute that the unfortunate pilot couldn’t possibly miss, she veered toward home base.

She hadn’t quite finished congratulating herself on such a swift victory when her ship careened sideways, almost colliding with one of the smaller asteroids in the field. What the hell?

She jerked her head up, hardly able to believe the display in front of her eyes. The smaller ship had freed itself of the gravity well and moved to parallel her before turning so that his thrusters aimed directly at her side. When he fired them, the shock hit the pilot ship with all the force of a herd of thundering moon-cats.

Crap! This kid had balls. Balls and the makings of a star-class fighter pilot—if she didn’t kill him first.

Getting the ship back under control, she reined in her temper and concentrated on chasing the smaller ship. It had been a long time since anyone had actually given her a run for her money. She wasn’t sure she liked it. “Pilot, you just bought yourself a serious amount of time dirt-side. Again, I say, identify yourself.”

No answer.

“Who the hell are you?” Her voice harsh with suppressed rage, she gave the pilot one last chance to reply.

“Obviously a better pilot than you.” His voice was smooth and low, with a trace of male humor showing through. Arrogant, definitely arrogant.

She felt a grudging respect for his lack of deference. He had her on the run and he knew it. “I doubt that. I got careless and you got lucky.”

A disbelieving snort echoed through the com link. “I’m an excellent pilot. I don’t need luck.”

“And your name?” She didn’t recall the last time she’d spent this much time trying to extract information from a cadet. Who the hell was this guy? A few seconds passed, and Natalie realized the cadet was going to ignore her yet again.

Turning the mode to private, she called up the avatar. “Can you get anything on that ship? A registration number? Something to trace the pilot?”

“Negative.” If an avatar could shake its head, she was sure it would be. “There seems to be some type of blocking involved.”

Natalie’s eyebrows rose in surprise. Blocking identification protocols was strictly forbidden, and would require way more tech savvy than most of the cadets were capable of. “Can you identify the blocking procedures?”

Maybe she could get the man’s identity in a round-about way. She snorted ruefully. When had she started thinking of the pilot as a man, not a boy? When he’d outmaneuvered her back there, or when he’d had the backbone to not answer her demands, not give her his name?

With that attitude, he’d go far in the military. Again, if she didn’t kill him first.

Who the hell was he?


Note: The Publisher site has links to Amazon, Barnes and Noble, ibooks and Kobo

Cover Reveal!


Coming to Changeling Press Sept 21st – available everywhere Sept 28th!

Bikers don’t do forever, right? Her perfect match! So how did it all go so very wrong?


Fiona really wasn’t in the market for a lover or a partner or some guy to give her a sappy sweet happily ever after. Been there, done that, got the scars to prove it. She just wanted a nice one-night stand. She planned to be long gone come breakfast time.

When she saw that gorgeous cowboy ride up on his Harley, she figured it was her lucky day. Bikers don’t do forever, right? Her perfect match! They could tell each other a few lies, scratch each other’s itches and then go their separate ways. The last thing she needed was to hook up with some guy she’d smack headlong into at church the next day.

Simple, right? So how did it all go so very wrong?

Throwback Thursday – Grease Monkey by Harley Wylde #eroticromance #newadult #TBT


Once Lance has a taste of Gwen’s passion,
he knows he’s never going to let her go.


Gwen: I’ve always been daddy’s little girl, or so everyone thinks, but what I’ve really wanted is to break free of my gilded cage. All anyone ever sees is some rich girl who gets what she wants, but that isn’t me. I hate my life and I’d give anything to experience true passion, even if it was just once. I’m a twenty-year-old virgin, and I have no doubt that daddy dearest is going to sell me to the highest bidder. Where’s a hero when you need one?

Lance: Women have always come easy to me, but there’s never been one that tempted me so much as the debutante stepping out of the silver Mercedes. One look at those gorgeous legs and all I can think about is having them wrapped around me while I make her scream my name. One way or another, she’s going to be mine.

WARNING: If you love sexy bearded men who talk dirty, be prepared to have your kindle melted. This is a highly erotic story with a case of insta-love.





Copyright ©2016 Harley Wylde

My car gave a clunk and rattle before the entire thing shimmied. “No. No, no, no. You aren’t doing this to me now!”

I stared at the gauge and wondered how the hell I’d managed to run out of gas. I was always careful about making sure I had a full tank, but apparently, I’d fucked up this time. I didn’t even remember the last gas station I’d seen, not that I had a gas can stored in my trunk. The only thing back there was my latest shopping haul. As far as I knew, I didn’t even have a car jack back there, but then I’d always called roadside service if I had a flat.

The car sputtered to a stop in the middle of the road, and I banged my head on the steering wheel. What the hell had I ever done wrong for the universe to hate me so much? I picked up my cell phone and stared at the black screen. I tried to power it on and realized my battery had died. Searching through the console and glove compartment, I couldn’t find the charger. I must have taken it out of the car at some point. Great. Stranded. It was a long-ass walk back home, especially in heels. With my luck, someone would think I was a high priced call girl and try to pick me up along the way.

A loud roar reached my ears and I glanced in the rearview mirror. About six motorcycles were barreling my way. I hoped like hell they didn’t stop to check on me. It wasn’t that I had anything against guys who rode motorcycles, but six rowdy men and just one of me? The odds weren’t in my favor. They whizzed past and I let out a breath I hadn’t realized I was holding. Minutes ticked by as I tried to assess my situation and figure out what the hell I was going to do. I could have walked, but to where? I wasn’t familiar with this part of town and would be just as lost on foot.

I heard the rumble of a big engine behind me and looked in my rearview mirror again. Was that a tow truck? Maybe my day wasn’t complete crap after all. It seemed miracles did still happen, even if they seldom ever happened to me. Whoever he was, surely he would be able to take me to the nearest gas station, and I could just fill up my car and be on my way. I had a little cash on me, but with some luck, they would take checks or plastic.

I opened my door and swung my legs out before rising to meet my savior. Probably a good thing I was holding onto the doorframe when the driver stepped out. Holy mother of God! My knees went a little weak as a giant of a man moved toward me, his muscles bunching and flexing with every step. Mirrored sunglasses hid his eyes, but I got the feeling he was assessing me. Jeans were molded to his thick thighs, and a grease-stained white tee stretched tight over his massive chest and shoulders. My tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth as he stopped in front of me.

“You look like you could use some help.”

His deep voice sent shivers down my spine, and my cheeks burned as my panties grew damp. Holy fuck! I’d be willing to bet he could get a woman off just using his voice. And for the first time in my life, I was ready to volunteer to be that woman. No man had ever turned me on before. At school, the boys at the school across town had referred to me as the ice princess. I hadn’t even been able to get myself off, so I’d thought maybe they were right. Until now.

His eyebrows rose, and I realized I hadn’t said anything.

“It died in the middle of the road.” I licked my lips. “I ran out of gas.”

“I can take it back to my garage and take a look. It’s just a few blocks away.” He held out his hand. “Name’s Lance.” I couldn’t stop the giggle that bubbled up.

“Something wrong with my name?”

“Sorry, it’s just… with you swooping in to rescue me and your name… it made me think of Lancelot.”

He smiled a little, the corner of his lips ticking upward.

My legs squeezed together as more moisture gathered between my thighs. I’d never felt so needy before, so out of control…



Want more Harley Wylde books? Check out her website or follow her on Facebook!




Wicked Wednesday – Alpha’s Second Chance by Jessica Coulter Smith #bondage #spanking #shifters #wickedwednesday


Copyright ©2018 Jessica Coulter Smith

“Put me down, you overgrown cretin! I’m not a sack of flour, asshole.” Her fists pounded against Torren again. He merely shifted her weight and kept going.

When he reached their bedroom — yes, their bedroom — he sat down on the edge of the mattress then upended her over his lap. Torren jerked the shirt up to expose the most gorgeous ass he’d ever seen, then his hand cracked hard enough against her white skin that it turned pink. He’d swatted her four times before he even realized what the hell he was doing, and froze in one of those oh shit moments. He’d never lost control like that with anyone before, and he hated that he’d done that to his mate. Not once in his thirty-one years had he ever struck a female.

“Olivia, I…” His hand was still raised and Torren slowly lowered it, intent on lowering her shirt and standing her upright. But she moaned, and it wasn’t a pained moan. Hell, it had to have been sexiest sound he’d ever heard, then she started to squirm on his lap.

Torren rubbed her pink ass cheeks, and as his hand traveled a little closer to the junction of her thighs, he couldn’t seem to help himself anymore. He brushed over her slit, and groaned at how fucking wet she was. Holy hell! She might have fought him the entire way to the bedroom, but there was no denying she’d enjoyed her spanking.

He teased her pussy, lightly rubbing his fingers up and down her slit, moisture slicking them. She fidgeted some more, spreading her legs a little further. The scent of her arousal teased Torren’s nose and his beast rose to the surface. His vision shifted as his fangs extended, and a rumble filled his chest. His wolf wanted out! Wanted to claim their mate properly. Torren parted the lips of her pussy and rubbed against her clit. It was hard and begging for attention. His cock strained against his zipper as he slowly rubbed her, her scent growing stronger the closer she got to coming.

“Torren,” she said softly, pressing her face against his leg. She wrapped her hand around his calf, and submitted completely.

He kept stroking, kept rubbing until she cried out her release, drenching his fingers. It was almost more than Torren could take. Standing up, he flipped her face down onto the bed, then pulled her up onto her knees. He buried his face in her pussy, his tongue flicking and tasting, lapping up all her cream. Her thighs trembled and soon she was coming a second time. Torren’s wolf nudged at him, wanting him to claim her in all ways. Torren quickly stripped out of his clothes and gripped her hips. His body tensed as he fought for control. He’d heard that it sometimes hurt the first time for a female, and he didn’t want to cause her pain.

“Torren, please,” she begged.

He rubbed his cock up and down her slippery pussy before slowly sinking inside of her. Torren felt her stretch to accommodate him, and soon he was buried balls deep. He groaned as claws tipped his fingers and his beast pushed harder at him. Olivia whimpered, but it didn’t sound like she was in pain. As much as he wanted to make this last, he knew it wasn’t possible. Not this time.

“Tell me if I hurt you,” he said, his voice more beast than man.

She pressed back against him, and Torren’s control snapped. He growled as he gripped her tight and began pounding into her pussy. He took her hard, fast, and as deep as he could get. The bed moved across the floor with every stroke, and sweat slicked their skin. Olivia made the sweetest, sexiest sounds he’d ever heard, and soon she was coming again, coating his cock with her juices as she cried out his name.

Torren buried his fangs into her shoulder again as his hips jerked against her, thrusting until every drop of cum had been wrung from his balls. He growled again, his cock deep inside of her, and slowly he pulled his fangs free. He lapped at the blood on her shoulder, then lightly trailed kisses across her shoulders and up her neck. He hadn’t bitten hard enough for her to scar this time, but his beast had needed another taste of her.

“Mine,” he said, pride filling him, along with a contentment he’d never felt before.




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