Tag Archives: Romantic Suspense

Throwback Thursday: Her Sexy Rescuer by Megan Slayer #NewAdult #TBT #RomanticSuspense @MeganSlayer

Vonn Jordan wants to wander. Why stay in one place when there’s a whole world to explore? A night clubbing lands him right in the middle of a deal to conduct human trafficking. His family doesn’t buy and sell humans, even beautiful ones. He’ll bust this ring wide open.

Then he sees her. Ripley. She’s sweet, soulful and alone. Can the man hellbent on drifting accept his wandering days are over? Or will she break his heart?

Publisher’s Warning: Contains references to organized crime, abduction and sex trafficking that may be triggers for some readers.

Get it at Changeling Press


All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2019 Megan Slayer

Vonn stared out at the throng of dancers and sighed. The ice in his drink had melted. Christ, he was bored. A man only turned twenty-one once, and he refused to spend this token year in college. He also refused to spend it alone. Let his brother Jax do the college thing. He had other ideas. He’d party now and work later.

A blonde passed by and winked. She might be good for the evening, but she wasn’t his type.

“Vonn Jordan, just the asshole I wanted to see.” Larry Slater strode up to him. “I hear your family has a new venture.”

“We have lots of ventures,” Vonn said. Jesus. It wasn’t his job to keep up on what the family did and when. “Why?”

“I never would’ve thought your family would’ve gotten in on human trafficking.” Larry crooked his brow. “Is that right?”

What? Yes, the Jordans played fast and loose with the law. Yes, they tended to shoot and pay their way out of trouble. But human trafficking? He knew Dash better than that. Ever since Dash rescued his now-wife, Christy, from being pimped at the club, Dash made it his point to rescue others. He wouldn’t get into human trafficking.


“Where did you get this info?” He doubted it was from his brother.

“Channels,” Larry snapped.

“And what details are these channels giving you?” Vonn asked.

“Jesus. Stuff. Girls,” Larry said. “You’re buying and selling them to the highest bidder. Bondage shit, sexy toys, that sort of bullshit. Whatever the buyer wants to do with them.”

“I see.” What a nice answer. What a jackass. He had to talk to Dash. If his brother was involved in this — which he doubted — then they needed to stop. If they weren’t involved, then Dash needed to know the family name was being used. He’d also want to step in and stop the operation. He’d shut them the fuck down. No one deserved to be sold for anything.

“Well? I want in,” Larry said. “Girls can bring top dollar.”

Asshat. “I need to confer with the family. We’re rather picky about who we involve.”

“Tell your brother I would love to be involved. I’m in need of new, lucrative ventures.” Larry grinned, and his eyes narrowed. “Besides, you owe me.”

“I do?” He didn’t remember owing Larry anything.

“Yeah, you do. I got your ass into this club,” Larry said. “Without me, you’d be nothing on the social scene.”

He disagreed, but whatever. “I have to speak with my brother. I don’t run the family enterprises.” He never did and never wanted to. Dash would end up in a premature grave like their father if he wasn’t careful. He trusted his brother wasn’t doing something so shitty as human trafficking. It wasn’t possible.

“I expect to hear something.” Larry pointed at him. “I know where you live.”

So does everyone else. The Jordan family compound was practically a landmark in Shaker. “Uh-huh.”

“I’m watching.”

I’m sure. He nodded, then abandoned his drink on a nearby table. One of his two bodyguards followed him to the private overlook within the club. He could see everything and not be seen. He whipped out his phone. He needed to speak to Dash.

“Yes?” Dash asked when he answered the call. “You’ve been MIA. Care to tell me where you are?”

“In deep shit,” Vonn said. “I know where I am. I’m in Florida.”

“Funny. That’s a long way from Ohio State.”

“Whatever,” Vonn said. “I don’t need a lecture.”

“You’ll get one. I’ve got your credit card statement. If you run up one more bar tab, I’ll come to Florida and kick your ass.”

“I know. I went overboard. Jesus, Dash. This is important.” He leaned against the wall and lowered his voice. “Are you involved in human trafficking?”

“What the hell? No,” Dash said. “Christ.”

“You’re sure?”

“We concocted a bullshit story about selling girls to get Clint and Ronan’s girl free from a strip club. But I wouldn’t touch real trafficking. Christ. That’s barbaric,” Dash said.



“Your name is being used in connection with a trafficking ring. Larry Slater wants in,” Vonn said.

“If I were — which I’m not — the last person I’d involve would be Larry,” Dash said. “The pissant.”

“He wants details.”

“Tell him to fuck off.”

“Gladly,” Vonn said. “I’m going to the police. We can’t get mixed up in this.”

“Yeah. I’m not wild about the involvement of the law, but we’re clean,” Dash said. “Take your men and investigate. Try to catch wind of who is using our name, then I’ll destroy him.”

“Will do.” Right away.

“Oh, and tell Larry he’s in. Then let the cops have him.”

“Will do that, too.” He laughed. “Thanks. Bye, Dash.”

“Come home. Ma misses you, and you have an entire family to meet.”

“Later.” But he would. He missed the craziness of the Jordan family. His brothers were settling down, and he’d fucked around. Did the girls have families? Did they miss them? Were the girls being treated well? He’d bet they wanted to go home. “I’m worried these girls are being abused.”

“Most likely they are. I’ve got Jon and Kurtis on the way now. Get information and keep me in the loop. I’ve alerted the police and FBI. This isn’t going to go without anyone’s notice,” Dash said. “We’ll get ‘em.”


Megan Slayer, aka Wendi Zwaduk, is a multi-published, award-winning author of more than one-hundred short stories and novels. She’s been writing since 2008 and published since 2009. Her stories range from the contemporary and paranormal to LGBTQ and white hot themes. No matter what the length, her works are always hot, but with a lot of heart. She enjoys giving her characters a second chance at love, no matter what the form. She’s been nominated at the LRC for Best Author, Best Contemporary, Best Ménage, Best BDSM and Best Anthology. Her books have made it to the bestseller lists on various e-tailer sites.

When she’s not writing, Megan spends time with her husband and son as well as three dogs and three cats. She enjoys art, music and racing, but football is her sport of choice. She’s an active member of the Friends of the Keystone-LaGrange Public library.

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Making the jump from friends to lovers. Is it really worth the risk?

Throwback Thursday: Naughty or Nice by Harley Wylde #RomanticSuspense #AgeGap @HarleyW_Writer

I’d found and lost my one and only. I never thought I’d get another chance at love.

Naughty or Nice (A Bad Boy Romance 5)

My marriage is a sham. I’ve already loved and lost my one and only. Making Carmella Juarez my wife was the only way to save my daughter, but I never intended to stay married. A decade has passed, ten years that I’ve kept my distance, but now it’s time to set things right and free both of us.

I never counted on her being sick and nearly dying. Didn’t count on falling for her as I nursed her back to health. But it’s the Christmas season and what better time for miracles? My heart isn’t as cold and dead as I’d once thought. Carmella has brought me back to life, and now that I’ve had a taste of the tempting woman who wears my ring, I know that I can’t ever let her go.

Get it at Changeling Press

Praise for Naughty or Nice (A Bad Boy Romance)

“This is one of the characters in this universe that Harley Wylde has created that I have been the most curious about. It is a short read but gave me romance and sizzling chemistry. Harley Wylde was able to show the emotional journey of Carmella from when she got married to where the book starts. There might have been a couple of tears–and a lot of laughs. Overall a great book for readers who want a bit of everything in their read.”

— 4 Stars from Sorrel, Long & Short Reviews

“Casper VanHorne’s character has always fascinated me. He’s been a peripheral character, staying in the shadows for the most part due to his job as a highly-sought-after assassin. His marriage to Carmella ten years prior was a means to an end – saving his beloved daughter Isabella, who is married to a member of the Dixie Reapers. Carmella has been on her own for the past ten years – set up in a house with servants and left to her own devices. Her friends are the people who are paid to take care of her. She’s alone, lonely, and has a huge secret. When Casper comes to town to end things, he finds out that all is not what it seems to be where his wife is concerned. Loved this Christmas short; plus, got to “see” some old favorites!”

— 5 Stars from Darlene Tallman, Amazon Review


All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2019 Harley Wylde


I stared at the enormous rock on my finger and rubbed the golden band with my thumb. I’d always dreamed of getting married, but not once had I ever considered my special day consisting of marrying a man I didn’t know, leaving the only home I’d ever had, and being utterly and completely alone. My husband was a powerful man, and feared by many. He was also extremely absent in my life. Casper VanHorne had married me, flown me out of Mexico, then dumped me in some mausoleum of a house only to vanish before I’d even unpacked. It wasn’t at all what I’d anticipated. Yes, he was older than me, but I’d looked forward to my marriage. When he’d said he would take care of me, even though love wasn’t part of the deal, I’d imagined we would at least live together.

I’d barely been eighteen when he’d married me. At first, I’d thought that’s why he had left, and that he’d return before long. Then one year passed, and another. In nearly ten years, I hadn’t once seen my husband. It was lonely living here alone. Not to mention, I was twenty-eight and a damn virgin. I was starting to think I would die before ever knowing what it was like to have a man’s hands on me, to feel his cock thrusting inside me. My fevered dreams were likely far from what it would really be like if Casper ever came back and claimed me.

As another sharp stabbing pain made my eyes close and my body crumple, I wondered if my husband would return… before it was too late. I’d sworn the staff to secrecy, even the bodyguard Casper had left to watch over me. I’d grown close to the people who ran the house and protected me, even considered them my friends. When I’d first arrived, I hadn’t been able to speak any English. Now I was fluent and didn’t even use my native tongue anymore.

“Carmella,” I heard Bowen shout.

His strong arms wrapped around me, and I felt my body being lifted and carried, likely into the house. The pain had been worse lately, and coming more frequently. I had a feeling I was on borrowed time, but maybe that was for the best. It wasn’t that I wanted to die, I really didn’t, but I couldn’t help but wonder if my husband would be happier if I were gone. I knew he’d been forced into claiming me in order to save his daughter, a daughter he clearly never wanted me to meet.

I’d thought she was younger until he’d explained she was older than me. He didn’t look anywhere near old enough to have a fully grown child. There were a few lines around his eyes, but hardly a hint of gray in his hair or beard. At least, last time I’d seen him that was the case. I had no idea what he looked like now.

As the pain eased, my eyes fluttered open and a concerned Bowen was peering down at me.

“He needs to know, Carmella.”

“No, he doesn’t. He’s had no interest in me all this time. The last thing I want is him showing up out of pity. I only wish…” I bit my lip, refusing to say the words.


Harley Wylde is the International Bestselling Author of the Dixie Reapers MC, Devil’s Boneyard MC, and Hades Abyss MC series.

When Harley’s writing, her motto is the hotter the better — off the charts sex, commanding men, and the women who can’t deny them. If you want men who talk dirty, are sexy as hell, and take what they want, then you’ve come to the right place. She doesn’t shy away from the dangers and nastiness in the world, bringing those realities to the pages of her books, but always gives her characters a happily-ever-after and makes sure the bad guys get what they deserve. 

The times Harley isn’t writing, she’s thinking up naughty things to do to her husband, drinking copious amounts of Starbucks, and reading. She loves to read and devours a book a day, sometimes more. She’s also fond of TV shows and movies from the 1980’s, as well as paranormal shows from the 1990’s to today, even though she’d much rather be reading or writing.  

You can find out more about Harley or enter her monthly giveaway on her website. Be sure to join her newsletter while you’re there to learn more about discounts, signing events, and other goodies!

Throwback Thursday: The Alpha’s Demiwolf by Gale Stanley #RomanticSuspense #NewAdult @GaleStanley

Pack Alpha Levi will chase Kya to get what he wants, but does the demiwolf want him?

The Alpha's Demiwolf (Utopia 1)

Kya: I’m a demiwolf — half wolf, half human, and both species despise my weird mix of genes. Despite the fact I strip for a living, I’ve hung on to my virginity for twenty-two years. Until I got knocked up by a big, bad wolf. Now, I’m going to bring another demiwolf into the world, but his father will never know.

Levi: I’m all wolf, and Alpha of my pack, committed to keeping our bloodlines pure. Then on the night of my bachelor party, I hooked up with a stripper. I just wanted to teach the demiwolf a lesson, but the sex set me on fire. My wolf claimed her and now I can’t get her out of my head. But what if she won’t accept me?

Get it at Changeling Press


All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2019 Gale Stanley


I cringed when I saw the billboard proclaiming, Girls! Girls! Girls! It was a tacky way to get attention, and I hated it. Averting my eyes, I turned the corner, pulled into the lot, and parked my old pickup behind the club. It was my first night at Show ’n Tails, and a definite step down from my old job, but I’d been fired and needed a gig ASAP.

The incident wasn’t my fault. There were two of us on the stage and Brandi was so sloshed she invaded my space and fell on her ass. As if that wasn’t enough, she accused me of tripping her. Well, one thing led to another and we both got canned. Another girl told me that Show ’n Tails was hiring and I went for an audition. The manager was an asshat, but he doesn’t ask too many questions. I like to keep a low profile.

This isn’t the life I wanted, but taking off my clothes pays the bills, and I won’t apologize for trying to earn a living. At least I’m not selling my body, just the illusion of sex. A lot of girls up their game, but not me. My virginity is the last piece of self-respect I own and I won’t give it up to some creep for any amount of money.

The heavy backdoor slammed shut and locked behind me and the manager shot me a dirty look. “Hey, Kya. You’re late.”

“Sorry, it won’t happen again. And my name is Raven when I’m working.”

Marty’s lip curled in a sneer. “Yeah, yeah. Whatever. You better get dressed. I mean undressed.” He snickered.

I ignored his disrespectful ass, and walked over to the dressing room. A row of dented lockers lined one wall. A wide counter with a lighted mirror behind it ran the length of the opposite wall. Everything stunk from sweat and cheap perfume. The long vanity was cluttered with makeup and no one made room for the new girl, so I started changing next to my locker. When a spot at the mirror opened up, I grabbed it and started working on my wild black curls.

Marty stuck his head in the door. “Hey, fresh meat, you’re on next.”

I knew he meant me. I was the newest girl there. Half of me cringed, the half that’s wolf. The half I keep hidden. Or is it a quarter of me I keep hidden? I guess it depends on how you look at it. A full-blooded wolf-shifter is already half human, although they’ll never admit to it. My father was a wolf, but my mother was human.

Does that mean I’m… Oh, fuck the fractions. No matter how you look at it, I’m a demiwolf.

But I look human. I checked my body in the mirror. Yep, a hot as hell human female stared back at me. Tacky, but sexy. Nothing says stripper like stiletto platform heels and a thong that shows off a girl’s booty. I slipped on a white, halter mini-dress with a drape-neck, an open back, and a side slit. Then I ran my hands through my curls and gave my lips one last swipe of purple-plum gloss.

It’s so much easier to call myself human and blend in with the majority. The humans are clueless. They know we exist, but they believe we keep to our own side of the tracks. The wolves are a different story. They can smell my lupine pheromones, but they don’t want me. I’m not pure. Fuck ‘em. At least I can make a living among the humans. Stripping might be a trashy job, but it pays for the life I’m trying to live. It’s not the life I want, but it’s all I’ve got. I used to dream about being accepted by my father’s people. Fat chance. They wouldn’t even accept him because he had a human lover and a half-breed kid.

My parents never married, but they lived together — sometimes. When my father was around, I was daddy’s girl. But all too often, he would disappear as if he had no family. My mother would drink and tell me that he liked to hang out with his own kind in places where we weren’t accepted. When he came back from his trips, he’d act cold and resentful, but it wouldn’t last long. Eventually, he’d tell me he loved me and everything would be okay again. I thought nothing would keep us apart for good. I was wrong.

One day he didn’t come back. We found out he was killed in a bar fight. One of his so-called friends called me a mongrel and Dad died defending me. My mother cried and cried. She said this was why they never wanted kids. So I was what… an accident?

I couldn’t blame them. Not really. Life was hard enough without being born with this weird mix of genes. I hated myself, too. I wished I’d never been born. At least I could make things easier for my mother. As soon as I finished school, I left home and never looked back.

While waiting to go on, I thought about my routine — floor work, then pole dancing, then back on the floor. I’m not nervous anymore about being naked in front of a roomful of men. I was at first, but now I focus on my moves. I’ve been scorned and dehumanized all my life, so I like to emphasize something I can do well — dance.

I peeked through the curtain and watched Candy finish her routine. There’s a mirror behind the stage and a pole in the center. Chairs surrounded the stage for customers who wanted direct contact with the dancers. I watched one of the men put a bill in his mouth. Candy shoved her breasts in his face and used them to grab the money. There were hoots and hollers and more men waved bills at her. She collected all of her tips, then picked up her clothes, and ran off the stage.

The DJ, sitting in an alcove nearby, introduced me. “Next up is a beautiful lady who’s new here. You’re gonna see her naked for the first time tonight.”

Well, it’s not a complete lie. It’s my first time naked on this stage.

“Give Raven a nice warm welcome.”

My heartbeat skyrocketed as I stepped through the curtains and climbed the three steps to the stage. The opening bars of my music started up and I began to move.


Gale Stanley grew up in Philadelphia PA. She was the kid who always had her nose in a book, her head in the clouds, and her hands on a pad and pencil.

Some things never change.

Throwback Thursday: Vasquez and James Vol. 1 by Lou Sylvre #LGBTQ #RomanticSuspense @Sylvre

When badass meets artist, sparks and bullets fly. Blazing romance, chilling suspense, enduring love.

Vasquez and James Vol. 1 (Vasquez and James 1)

LR Cafe’s Best of 2019 Awards Nominee: Best Book All Around

When badass meets artist, sparks and bullets fly. Blazing romance, chilling suspense, enduring love…

Loving Luki Vasquez: Renowned but reclusive weaver Sonny Bly James masters color, texture, and shape in his tapestries, but when he meets Luki Vasquez, an ex-ATF agent and all-around badass, his heart and desire spin out of control. The heat between them won’t be denied. United by danger, can Sonny and Luki put fear and anger aside, and fight together to save Sonny’s nephew and their own lives?

Delsyn’s Blues: Devastated by loss, Sonny James listens to a voice singing the blues from beyond the grave. Convinced he’s failed in an all-important life task, he tries to shut out Luki Vasquez and love just when he needs him the most. But when Luki finally breaks through Sonny’s fortress of grief, it’s just in time for the newly reunited couple to face a new, violent, escalating danger.

Finding Jackie: When Sonny James asked Luki Vasquez to marry him, Luki’s “yes” was accompanied by a request — a wedding in Hawaii. Months and many trials later, their hilltop island ceremony is poignant and funny, and every bit as beautiful as they’d hoped. The honeymoon is all sex, surfing, and sunshine… until Luki’s sixteen-year-old nephew is kidnapped by a sadistic killer. When it all comes to an ultimate showdown with evil, it’s not only love at stake, but their lives.

Get it at Changeling Press

Praise for Vasquez and James Volume 1

“I really enjoyed this collection of Vasquez and James stories. This is the first I have read from this author and I was very impressed by the descriptive writing style. The three stories in this collection are Loving Luki Vasquez, Deslyn’s Blues, and Finding Jackie. All of these were fantastic novels that lead the reader into the lives of Luki and Sonny, from the time they met until they are on their honeymoon. Interwoven in the stories are fantastic thrillers that keep you on the edge of your seat. Well done!”

— 5 Stars from Heather W, Amazon Review

“…Her characters are very well written… you’ll be crying over a sad thing, then just have to laugh along with Luki or Sonny as they try to find humor to help each other through the pain, or sigh over the sweetness of their love for each other. It can take them time to spot the vulnerabilities in their partner, but they eventually do. The action/suspense in these stories is very well written. Lou has obviously done her homework here. And she tied the whole thing together very very well.”

— 4 Stars from Kitty Munday, Goodreads Review


Lou Sylvre loves romance with all its ups and downs, and likes to conjure it into books. The sweethearts on her pages are men who end up loving each other — and usually saving each other from unspeakable danger. It’s all pretty crazy and very, very sexy. As if you’d want to know more, she’ll happily tell you that she is a proudly bisexual woman — a mother, grandmother, lover of languages, and cat-herder — of mixed cultural heritage. She works closely with lead cat and writing assistant, the (male) Queen of Budapest, Boudreau St. Clair. She lives in the rainy part of the Pacific Northwest, and hearing from a reader infallibly brightens the dreary weather. Find her through her links listed here, or drop her a line at lou.sylvre@gmail.com.

Throwback Thursday: A Grizzly Affair by Dulce Dennison #Shifters #TBThursday @AuthorDulce

Grizzly Affair (Bureau of Paranormal Affairs 1)

With a rogue shifter on the loose leaving a trail of bodies, it isn’t the best time for bear shifter, Roarke Hilliard to have his heat cycle. Especially since he’s the lead Special Agent on the case. But nature must take its course. When his partner, agent Spencer Malloy, places himself in Roarke’s path during his greatest time of need, the bear is worried he might break the human. But Spencer wants Roarke badly… bad enough to call in a paranormal escort.

Grigore Gabor may be a male escort, but he’s never slept with any of his clients… until now. The moment the wolf shifter gets a whiff of the bear who hired him, and his human companion, he knows he’s found his mates. But getting the surly ursa to agree is another matter.

With a killer on the loose, now isn’t the time for finding true love. With Roarke handicapped by his heat cycle, there’s only so much the agents can do against the rogue shifter. They can only hope to bring the man to justice before another body is found.

Get it at Changeling Press


All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2017 Dulce Dennison

Special Agent Roarke Hilliard, Bureau of Paranormal Affairs, scented the air as he scanned the crime scene for clues. Darkness filled him, narrowing his world to this one moment. Blood soaked through his pants and coated his hands as he knelt beside the too still, mangled body. The copper tang of the teen’s blood teased his nostrils. His nose flared as he searched for other scents. Gunpowder residue and the stale smell of sweat hung heavy in the air.

A gun was clutched in the young man’s hand, his fingers gripping it even in death, and yet the weapon hadn’t been able to save him. Slashed across his sternum, the killer’s claws had dug deep, all the way to the bone. His clothes were torn in other areas. His belt had been partially torn from him. The clues were adding up to a terrifying, grisly picture.

This wasn’t the first victim, and if Roarke couldn’t catch the bastard responsible, it wouldn’t be the last. Up to this point, the killer had targeted male prostitutes. But this one was different. There were no indications of drug use, no condoms in the victim’s wallet. Was the killer branching out? Or were his tastes changing?

“This is definitely our guy,” Agent Spencer Malloy said as he surveyed the scene. “If we don’t catch him soon, we’ll be on every channel in the country. You know how much the Bureau hates bad publicity.”

Roarke stood. “There has to be a pattern. The first known victim was in Chicago. The second was in South Bend, Indiana. But now, victim number five is in Atlanta. Where is he going?”

“I still say they aren’t planned. I think our guy is picking up young men, then he gets frustrated when they won’t give him what he wants and he kills them.”

“They’re prostitutes living on the streets. There isn’t much they won’t do for the right amount,” Roarke reasoned.

“What’s that super sniffer of yours telling you?”

“I don’t smell semen. I don’t think he got very far before he killed this one. Maybe that was his motivation. Either he couldn’t get it up, or the victim resisted.” Although he could be wrong. Roarke wasn’t about to admit it to anyone, but during his heat cycle his nose was not the most reliable. It took every effort not to turn bear the closer the time got.

Spencer ran a hand through his short, blond hair. “I don’t like this. Rogue shifters are one thing, but one bent on murder?”

“The lab ran the sample three times,” Roarke reminded him. “No match was found in the system, but the DNA suggested a hybrid.”

“Which explains the instability,” Spencer muttered. “He obviously has impulse control issues. My gut says there are more murders. Unless some switch flipped in this guy’s head, there’s no way his first murder was last month. Not unless he was just turned, and what’s the likelihood of a just-turned hybrid?”

Roarke sighed. “I’m afraid I have to agree with you. We need to have records run a search on all unsolved shifter related homicides nationwide for the past five years, see if anything pops up that matches our guy’s MO.”

“I’ll call it in while you check out the rest of the scene. Maybe we missed something on the first walk through. Then you’re going to the hotel for a shower and a change of clothes.”

Roarke nodded and looked around again. He began a slow circuit of the space, sniffing for something he might have missed as his gaze touched on every square inch of the room. He knew from experience they wouldn’t find anything new. Fingerprints and DNA did them no good when the killer wasn’t in the system. According to the shifter laws of 2023, formed when shifters came out of hiding, all shapeshifters were required to have DNA and fingerprints on file with the government. Those who didn’t comply were termed “rogue” and would be put to death if they were found to have committed a heinous crime. If you weren’t registered, you didn’t have rights.

Spencer motioned to him from the doorway and Roarke stepped out into the sunshine. With the smell of death and decay surrounding him, he’d forgotten how beautiful it was outside. Spring was in the air, which spelled trouble for a bear on a never-ending job. The urge to mate would hit him hard and Roarke would be powerless to stop it. Last mating season, he’d damn near lost his job when he’d holed up in a motel room for three days with a willing male from a shifter run escort service… he might do well to keep their number handy.

“I passed on our thoughts about there being more murders and Rawlins said he would put a team on it.” Spencer began walking toward their SUV. “He asked why the hell we couldn’t have thought of that weeks ago. I told him we were too busy chasing a trail of mangled bodies. Pompous ass.”

Roarke grinned.

“I say we go get you cleaned up and grab a bite to eat. We missed lunch and I know that beast inside of you has to be starving.” Spencer held out his hand. “Keys.”

Roarke pulled them from his pocket and handed them over. He climbed into the passenger’s seat and patiently waited for Spencer to get in and start the vehicle.

“Speaking of my beast, there’s something you should know,” Roarke said as they pulled out of the parking lot. “My mating heat is going to hit soon. Since I don’t have a mate, my bear is going to seek the first willing male available. It’s going to possibly put me out of commission for a few days.”

“So we take a break.”

Roarke shook his head. “The mating fever is going to hit our killer grizzly too. It means more murders if he can’t find someone willing and able to handle the frenzy. Think double or even triple the body count we have now.”

“Fuck. We have to catch this guy!” Spencer slammed his hand against the steering wheel.


With an overactive imagination and a penchant for making up stories, was it any wonder Dulce Dennison decided to be an author? From cowboys to shapeshifters, she has a story for them all, but her passion lies in writing m/m romances. Dulce believes in love in all shapes and sizes, and that everyone deserves a happily-ever-after.

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Margaret Riley

Throwback Thursday: His Private Dancer by Megan Slayer #TBT #RomanticSuspense @MeganSlayer

His Private Dancer (Jordan Brothers 1)

I want what I want, no question — even her.

Dashiell “Dash” Jordan runs the city of Shaker with an iron fist. Whatever he wants, he gets — except the woman he craves, who hasn’t been available. He’s waited long enough, and nothing will stop him, not even her bastard ex-husband or her con artist father. But once Dash sets his sights on her, will she allow herself to be owned, or will she walk away a second time?

Christy Lane never loved anyone the way she did Dash. She knew the danger of being with him, but she didn’t care. Then Dash left her. She tried to put her life back together, but that life included marriage to a perpetual cheater, being thrown out of her father’s church, and working in the only job she can get — stripping. Then Dash reappears. The memories of their life together rush back — the scenes, the passion and craving. She doesn’t want to be a plaything, but he’s offering her the world. Will she allow him to own her or end their second chance before she’s hurt again?

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Praise for His Private Dancer (Jordan Brothers 1)

“Dash has to show her that he has always loved her, & that he will cherish her forever. Their lifestyle will always be consensual.”

— 4.5 Stars from Alberta, Manic Readers

Throwback Thursday: The Solicitor by Treva Harte #TBT #RomanticSuspense @HarteTreva

The Solicitor (Soliciting a Lady 1)

Lady Northenly is barely out of mourning for her late and not overly lamented husband when Will offers a proposal of marriage. Mr. Burke’s offer is startling, to say the least. Society would frown on a lady accepting such a proposal from a commoner, even if he is an accomplished solicitor.

The gentry would be even more aghast if they had any idea the things dear Will can do with his hands. And he’s a really good man to have around when the latest Northenly heir turns up murdered in the sitting room. But even though Will’s both useful and very inventive in bed, Sarah’s not sure she’s ready to give up a widow’s independence. What’s a lady to do?

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Praise for The Solicitor (Soliciting a Lady 1)

“Add in a little murder mystery, a heroine who is no shrinking violet, and an intelligent hero with experience in both the bedroom and the courtroom, and you have a rather fresh take on a typically predictable and straight-laced historical romance… and since this is the kick-off installment of a series, we may yet see more titillating escapades from what is shaping up to be an unusual crime-solving duo.”

— Jean, The TBR Pile

Throwback Thursday: Hungry Novice by Kate Hill #TBT #RomanticSuspense #vampires @katehillromance

Hungry Novice (Scarlet Nights (Blood and Soul) 2)

Blair and May are supposed to be living their happily ever after, but for them it’s not that easy. Lately the only place they’ve been able to get along is in bed. May wants to join Blair’s vampiric family in their battle against evil, but he wants nothing more than to keep her safe.

Unable to reconcile, Blair sets May free, but when he’s captured by enemies, the tables turn and it’s up to May to defend him — possibly to the death. How far will a newly-made vampire go to test her powers?

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Copyright ©2015 Kate Hill

As the pleasure ebbed, May sank into a completely relaxed state, her breathing slow and even. She was aware of nothing except Blair lying beside her, his breath against her shoulder and his hand lightly caressing her belly.

After a moment, she opened her eyes to look at him. He took her hand and kissed the back of it, then gazed at their entwined fingers, a far-off expression in his eyes.

“That’s a quizzical look,” she remarked. “What are you thinking about?”

“Just that I never thought I could be this happy again.”

She smiled.

“And that I’m waiting for something to destroy it.”

Her smile faded and she squeezed his hand. “Blair, you must learn to live for the moment — to enjoy what’s happening now and stop worrying about the future until it comes.”

“You’re starting to sound like Hamilton.”

“He’s not such a bad person. I’ve only known him a short time, but I’m already grateful to him for a number of things.”

“I never said he was a bad person, just… annoying. Stubborn. Self-righteous.”

She raised an eyebrow. “Sounds like another man I know.”

He looked surprised. “You can’t mean me.”

“Can’t I?” She chuckled.

“May, that’s utterly preposterous and –“

“And I’d rather not argue on our first day home. I have other things to worry about.”

“Such as?”

“How do you intend to explain to the other people in the village that you’ve married your maid?”

“I don’t intend to explain anything. It’s none of their concern.”

“But –“

“No buts. The opinion of anyone who would find fault in our union means nothing to me. Do you honestly think that I of all people would sacrifice love for propriety?”

“No. I’m still not accustomed to someone like you.”

“Learning about each other is exciting, don’t you think?”

“Quite.” She snuggled closer and he tightened his arm around her.

“What would you like to do today?” he asked.

“I thought we might go for a ride so we can continue the lessons we started before we left for London. I’m still not as comfortable on horseback as I’d like to be. Then maybe you could help with my self-defense practice.”

A smile played around his lips. “You’re an unusual woman, May.”

Smiling, she brushed the tip of her nose against his. “We’re a good match then, because you’re an unusual man.”