Tag Archives: #DarkDesire

Throwback Thursday: Borealis by Mychael Black #DarkDesire #GayRomance

Andrew and his lover and cameraman Chris head a team of ghost hunters. When the Borealis, a cruise ship lost at sea thirty years ago, shows up out of nowhere, Andrew leaps at the chance to be the first to explore it.

Armed with cameras, EMF detectors, voice recorders, and plenty of provisions, the team boards the derelict ship. They don’t know what to expect, though they’re hoping for answers — and maybe a spirit or two.

What they get is far more frightening — and deadly. The ocean has its secrets… and some of them should stay that way.

Available at Changeling Press


All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2014 Mychael Black

“Well, there goes our salvation.”

Andrew gave his cameraman a cursory glance and slung one of the packs over his shoulder. They were finally here, on board the Borealis, and he was not about to let Chris’ bouts of paranoia get in the way. No way in hell.

Andrew started down the steps to Deck 8 of the cruise ship. It had been lost at sea for nearly thirty years, and after a freak storm only two days ago, it had reappeared. Knowing the potential for hauntings on a ship this size, Andrew jumped at the chance to check it out. The moment he received the go-ahead from the owners, he and Chris had snagged a flight on the next chopper out.

Now here they stood, on Deck 9, the uppermost deck, of the long-lost Borealis. Andrew was buzzing to get to work. He stopped halfway down the narrow staircase and looked back up at Chris. “You coming?”

Chris hesitated for a second, then let out a slow breath. “Yeah, yeah.” He started down the metal steps and Andrew turned back around to continue the descent. “Don’t you think it’s a bit odd that this boat has been floating for thirty years and there hasn’t been a single eyewitness in all that time?”

Andrew chuckled. “Why do you think we’re out here? No survivors whatsoever.” He heard Chris grumble behind him, but he paid it little mind. Down below on Deck 8, the others were hauling more equipment inside. “Looks like everyone else is getting ahead of us,” he said over his shoulder.

“I’m just glad we aren’t here by ourselves,” Chris groused.

Andrew stopped and turned around. “Dude, stop worrying, will you? I would never drag you out on something like this without backup.”

“You have before,” Chris said as he stood before Andrew.

“That was a house. We were fine then. Weren’t we?”

Chris sighed and tousled Andrew’s hair. “Yeah, we were. I’m sorry. I’m just nervous, I guess. Not used to being on a damn boat.”

Andrew leaned forward to press a quick kiss to Chris’ lips. A soft sound of protest escaped Chris as Andrew pulled back. “Later,” Andrew whispered. “For the time being, however, we’ve got work to do.”

Chris groaned. Andrew headed over to the others.

“Andrew! Chris! ‘Bout time you two got your butts here!”

Andrew smiled when he saw Kate Burchette. Not only was she a close friend, but she was also their link to the spirit world. Andrew had only to mention the ship’s disappearance to spark her interest into coming along. He hoped that her abilities would get some use on this trip. She had never been wrong before, but he had. He had the psychic abilities of a rock. He walked up to her and pulled her into a hug.

“Good to see you, love,” she said with a wide smile. She looked over Andrew’s shoulder and her grin widened even more. “Chris, you know you really should try harder to keep this man on a leash. He’s going to drag you all over the world if you aren’t careful.”

“Yeah, I’ve noticed,” Chris said. He shifted his pack and stepped around Andrew to give Kate a hug. “How ya been, hun?”

“Oh, you know.” Kate shrugged. “Not too bad. Been trying to find work, seeing as how this stuff doesn’t exactly bring in the money.”

“You three ready?”

Andrew looked up and waved at the man standing in the doorway. “Be there in a second, Josh.” He picked up the last case left on the pallet the chopper had dropped off, and then looked at Kate and Chris. “Shall we?”


Myc has been writing professionally since 2005, solo and with Shayne Carmichael. Genres include pretty much anything (no steampunk yet), though Myc is well known for paranormal stories. When not writing, Myc is usually playing PC games, reading, watching Netflix, and spending way too much time on Facebook. Since the question has come up in the past, pronouns are not an issue. Myc is bio-female, mentally male, and 100% genderfluid, so any pronoun works!

“Black’s work is poetic and haunting. Nobody can pull off smoldering sex alongside holler-deep, soulful characters like Mychael Black.” –Sara Jay

Throwback Thursday: The Perfect Seasoning by Stephanie Burke #BDSM #hentai @flashycat

The Perfect Seasoning (Perfect Seasoning 1)

I was afraid when my master came for me. I was scared when he started to play with his favorite toys.

But my master is different. And if I suffer for him, if I surrender to his dominance, if I give myself over to his ecstasy, then I will be the perfect seasoning for this hunger that consumes us.

Warning: Contains subject matter some readers may find offensive. (Tentacle… er… action. Yeah. That’s it.)

Available at Changeling Press


Stephanie is a USA Today Best Selling, multi published, multi award-winning author, Master Costumer, handicapped, wife and mother of two.

From sex-shifting, shape-shifting dragons to undersea worlds, sexually confused elemental Fey and homo-erotic mysteries, all the way to pastel-challenged urban sprites, Stephanie has done it all, and hopes to do more.

Stephanie is an orator on her favorite subjects of writing and world-building, a sometime teacher when you feed her enough tea and donuts, an anime nut, a costumer, and a frequent guest of various sci-fi and writing cons where she can be found leading panel discussions or researching varied legends and theories to improve her writing skills.

Stephanie is known for her love of the outrageous, strong female characters, believable worlds, male characters filled with depth, and multi-cultural stories that make the reader sit up and take notice.

Throwback Thursday: Zombies Don’t Make Good Pets by Ashlynn Monroe #TBThursday #SciFiRomance @ashlynn_monroe

Zombies Don't Make Good Pets (The Don'ts of Zombie Hunting 1)

Coralee Bradley is proud to be the only veterinarian in the small town of Davis, Wisconsin. The picturesque community sits nestled in the river valley surrounded by lush wooded bluffs. Everything about Davis is tranquil except for one thing — zombies. Coralee finds herself battling for her life against the same people she called neighbors seventy-two hours earlier.

Sergeant Jordan Parks invades Cora’s private domain after his black ops zombie fighting unit is overrun by the horde. Injured, he seeks refuge with an angelic redhead. When she suddenly becomes a threat to their safety there’s only one thing he can do — make love to her.

Cora has never seen a better looking man, but it’s just her luck to find him when the world is going crazy and certain death waits outside. Jordan soothes her fear using his buff body to bring her to heights of pleasure she’d never imagined possible. One night of end-of-the-world sex will never be enough, but can they survive long enough for another roll in the hay? Cora only knows one thing — zombies sure as hell don’t make good pets.

Get it at Changeling Press


All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2013 Ashlynn Monroe

The shooting outside stopped. She waited. Taking a deep breath, Cora stood up and checked the window again. The tank in the center of town had stopped its slow progression. A wave of the hungry undead surged over the metallic behemoth. She hoped whoever was operating it was still alive. When she’d first seen the National Guard roll into town she’d thought she’d been saved, but looking out at the overturned jeeps, bodies, and abandoned weapons, she knew salvation wasn’t going to be that simple.

A clatter echoed in the back of the clinic. Cora gasped. Her hands were shaking as she picked up her bag. She reached into the top drawer where she kept her emergency tranquilizer gun. She’d never had to use it on an unruly patient, but now she wondered how well the drug would work on an animated corpse. Shivering, she slowly crept back towards her small operating room. Turning the corner, she passed the storage closet and finally her hand touched the knob to the back room. She hoped that feral cat hadn’t escaped. Cautiously she turned the knob and peeked inside.

A tall man in a uniform was going through her supply bins. She couldn’t see his face, so she couldn’t tell if he was one of them. A desperate breath escaped her and she bit her lip. Here goes nothing. Cora threw open the door and dropped her bag. She raised the gun, ready to fire at the interloper.

He turned. She saw blood running down his forehead. The intruder’s eyes were wide and framed with thick black lashes, and they were clear, not the milky white of death.

Cora let go of the breath she’d been holding and lowered her weapon. “You scared the shit out of me,” she said.

He raised his pistol.

“Whoa, just hang the hell on. You’re in my clinic,” she shouted. Her knees wobbled. This was just too much. Don’t get weepy! She tried to obey her inner voice, but her lip trembled.

“Were you bitten?” He had one of those deep, radio perfect voices. There was a seductive resonance in his tone. He was handsome, movie star hot, and it wasn’t just the uniform. The man had well-proportioned classical features. His eyes were shadowed with fatigue, but they were the most startling shade of green. Perfection. She almost felt the heat radiating off him and his six-pack abs.

What is wrong with me? He’s pointing a gun at me and today is mostly likely the first day of the apocalypse. Why am I so fixated on his total sex-a-lusciousness?

“Were. You. Bitten?” he repeated in annoyance.

“No,” she replied, scowling.

He lowered his gun. “I think you and I may be the last.”

At first, she didn’t understand what he meant, and then the horrific understanding dawned on her. “The last?” she squeaked out. The idea everyone she’d ever known was dead or — worse, undead — squeezed her heart with almost unbearable pain. “Are there reinforcements coming?”

“Don’t think so.” He returned to his search and spoke without looking at her.

“We need to get out of town!” Cora said as she pulled her bag higher on her shoulder. She’d waited too long. She should’ve run sooner, but she’d been waiting for her sister.

“The tank was no match for those things. I seriously doubt we’d be able to get past the bastards on foot.”

His harsh assessment put a glare on her face. “Hey, those bastards used to be my friends and neighbors.” Cora’s voice rose as she reminded him to show respect.

“Sorry,” he muttered gruffly, but she didn’t hear remorse in his tone. His pupils appeared dilated. She realized her only hope looked like he was ready to fall over.

“Sit down. Let me take care of your head.”

He must have been looking for some bandages. He’d come to the right place. He sat while she grabbed what she needed. “What happened?”

“I was dodging a few of the infected bastards when I had to scale a fence and duck under a sign. I hit my head.”

“You didn’t touch your cut after touching the infected? Or let one of them touch your wound?” Cora asked with concern. She had no idea how this spread, but an open gash seemed like an invitation for infection.

“No. I don’t think so.”

“Well, that’s good. Hold still. This might sting.”

“Damn,” he spat out as she wiped at the gash with an antiseptic covered pad.


“So are you the only doctor in town?”

Cora grinned. It felt strange to be standing there smiling when all hell was breaking loose a few feet away. “No. I’m the town vet. Davis is too small to support its own human clinic. We don’t have a doctor. I make many house calls to local farms. You’re the first human patient I’ve seen in this office, but I don’t think you have the luxury of being picky.”

He grunted, but didn’t tell her to stop. She finished wrapping his wound. His hand was bleeding and she cleaned and wrapped that too.

“I’m Cora. Dr. Coralee Bradley.”

“Jordan Parks,” he said. She already knew part of that — Parks was embroidered on a patch on the right side of his chest. The other side said US ARMY. She hoped he was wrong and there were reinforcements on the way.

“So what’s going to happen now? What do we do?”


Ashlynn Monroe is a busy working mom. She loves her kids and family. Her greatest joy is creating stories to entertain others, and she hopes they bring a little more romance into the world. She’s been writing since her teens for her own enjoyment but decided in her thirties to share her imagination with readers. Ashlynn enjoys biking, camping, reading, video games, and filling her home and life with love. If she’s not working or chasing children, you can find her daydreaming up her next tale of romance.

Throwback Thursday: Ink and Bone by Crymsyn Hart #Magic #ParanormalRomance @crymsynhart

Ink and Bone
Cover Art by Bryan Keller

When a car accident claimed her mother’s life, Bridgette Damson was rescued by a mysterious stranger. Ever since, she’s been able to see and sense ghosts. As she’s grown older, Bridgette has had dreams about the tattoos she sports on her arms. Those tattoos protect her from evil — until the day when a dark entity brands his name into her flesh.

Bridgette seeks help from a witch doctor she’s known for years. Armed with his advice, she confronts a grim reaper, Mikal, who confesses his love for her. With someone out to kill her, a grim reaper who refuses to take her soul, and a new tattoo forming on her chest, Bridgette must embrace her destiny.

Before she can make sense of it all, Mikal disappears, and Bridgette is charged with saving him. Accomplish her mission will turn everything Bridgette’s ever known upside down — including her heart.

Available at Changeling Press


All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2016 Crymsyn Hart

Once her head hit the pillow, Bridgette found herself in the familiar surroundings of a dream she had been having intermittently since she was eighteen. She stood in a sumptuous bedroom. The mattress lay on the floor surrounded by lavish pillows. There was no door into the room. A screen decorated with a forest scene stood in the corner. The scenery never changed, and she always knew what to expect from the dream. She glanced down and a long black satin nightgown clothed her. Bridgette stretched and sat down on the bed. The small motion felt good and helped ease her tension.

Hands trailed over her shoulders. “You had a rough day today.”

She closed her eyes and leaned her head back against his chest as he massaged her muscles. His easy breaths made her feel right at home. Bridgette always welcomed these dreams. They didn’t have a specific schedule — just when she was stressed or had a lot on her mind. She inhaled and caught the faint scent of jasmine.

“Mmm… that feels nice.”

His thumbs dug into the knots of her shoulders. When his lips trailed along her neck, she quivered from the sudden pleasure it brought. “Why do you always make me feel this good?”

“I have a knowing for it. Pleasure is something I excel at.”

“I guess you’re my dream man.”

“You always say that.”

He nibbled her flesh and brushed her hair away from one shoulder. From there, he slid down the thin strap of her nightie. He kissed his way down her neck. With every inch of her skin he touched her senses were ignited. It seemed he caressed the inside of her flesh and lit up her nerves.

She squirmed against him. Her dream lover’s hands knew every inch of her after being in her fantasies for so many years. Each time she had been with him, he took her to new heights of passion.

Tonight, she needed to escape the strains of the day. His fingers moved over her tattoos. The energy he raised flashed over her skin like a quick burst of heat. She opened her eyes to watch as he traced her tattoos. Even in her dreams the tattoos remained. His fingers reached for the name branded into her skin.

Bridgette pulled away from her dream man. She got up off the bed and walked toward the end of the room. She ran her hands over her arms and hugged herself. Knowing something was after her made her reevaluate everything. What if this man isn’t really a dream? What if he’s this thing that’s been around me all my life?


Crymsyn Hart is a National Bestselling author of over eighty paranormal romance and horror novels. Her experiences as a psychic and ghostly encounters have given her a lot of material to use in her books. Vampires, grim reapers, shifters, and other paranormal creatures tend to end up in her books no matter how hard she tries to keep them away.

She currently resides in Charlotte, NC with her hubby and her three dogs. If she’s not writing, she’s curled up with the dogs watching a good horror movie or off with friends.

To find out more about Crymsyn, check out her website on: www.crymsynhart.com

Throwback Thursday: Challenges by Megan Slayer #ContemporaryRomance #TBThursday @MeganSlayer

Challenges (Box Set) (Challenges 8)

Seven women. Seven Challenges. What each woman gets is beyond her wildest dreams.

Make Me: A crop, some rope, a sweet little plug — just what she wants, and all she had to say was “Make me.”

Show Me: Calen’s issued a challenge — her naked before the wall of windows in their sixth floor apartment. Will Elisha please her master or walk away forever?

Take Me: Talia wants nothing more than to shirk her duties on the set of her latest movie so she can be with her heartthrob husband. But she never expected him to kidnap her — or did she?

Watch Me: Kacey and Marc’s lives changed the moment the hunk moves in next door. Will they be willing to make all their fantasies reality, or will they have to live with the view through the window?

Film Me: Jinx has been around the world of adult films for more than five years. Leading man Wes Long challenges Jinx for more. He’ll accept nothing less than her total submission — on and off the set.

Capture Me: Dolly makes her living posing for pinup shots. She’s got the look — the tats, the piercings — but she’s not a size two. Some guys love a wicked hot challenge.

Caught Me: Trick’s offered his girl a challenge — simple, easy, and sure to be decadent. He’s going to make her wildest dreams come true.

Publisher’s Note: Challenges (Box Set) contains the previously published novellas Make Me, Show Me, Take Me, Watch Me, Film Me, Capture Me, and Caught Me.

Available at Changeling Press

Praise for Challenges (Box Set)

“Oh, my dears, don’t even start this group of stories without your icy beverage & a fan. Each story is very short, & each centers around a challenge to one of the players. I loved these little snippets, & I’m sure you will too. I can’t tell you about them without giving away the stories, but there’s a little BDSM, a little D/s, a little of everything, but put Slayer on your radar for more later.”— 5 Stars from Alberta, Manic Reader Reviews

“From start to finish, these stories feature the right amount of spice. Whether it’s BDSM or voyeurism, there’s more than enough action to keep the reader’s attention. I was impressed with the way the author created interesting stories to balance the sizzling hot scenes.”— Rachel’s Willful Thoughts, The Romance Reviews


Megan Slayer, aka Wendi Zwaduk, is a multi-published, award-winning author of more than one-hundred short stories and novels. She’s been writing since 2008 and published since 2009. Her stories range from the contemporary and paranormal to LGBTQ and white hot themes. No matter what the length, her works are always hot, but with a lot of heart. She enjoys giving her characters a second chance at love, no matter what the form. She’s been nominated at the LRC for Best Author, Best Contemporary, Best Ménage, Best BDSM and Best Anthology. Her books have made it to the bestseller lists on various e-tailer sites.

When she’s not writing, Megan spends time with her husband and son as well as three dogs and three cats. She enjoys art, music and racing, but football is her sport of choice. She’s an active member of the Friends of the Keystone-LaGrange Public library.

Throwback Thursday: Sinful Wager by Alice Gaines #DarkDesire #TBThursday @AliceGaines

Sinful Wager
Cover Art by Angela Knight

Marty Davis takes a wrong turn in the casino called Pleasure Palace and winds up in a place where the machines pay off with hot sex and everyone wins. Turns out she’s in hell, and Lucifer is the sexiest guy there. With all that going for the underworld, who’d want to go back to reality? She makes a deal with him — if she can make him beg for the privilege of giving her an orgasm, she gets to stay on as his partner.

Lucifer doesn’t need a partner, but this woman gets his libido hot and bothered, something that hasn’t happened for longer than he cares to remember. Besides, her ideas for running the casino have the place humming. He takes her challenge and finds, to his chagrin, that he can’t seem to win.

Get it at Changeling Press

Praise for Sinful Wager

Fun. Pure, wicked fun is exactly what ‘Sinful Wager’ is. Alice Gaines takes Marty on an erotic adventure that scintillates and singes with its heat… a clever, likeable heroine you have to root for.”— Rated a Joyfully Recommended Read by Shayna, Joyfully Reviewed

“This book was wickedly good fun. Funny enough to make me laugh out loud, and one of the steamiest reads I’ve enjoyed in a while, this story also had a few clever plot twists that really made the whole experience a treat.”— 4 Stars from Bridget, The Romance Reviews


USA Today bestselling author Alice Gaines has published several sensuous and erotic works. She prefers stories that stretch the imagination, highlighting the power of love and sex. Alice has a Ph.D. in psychology from U. C. Berkeley and lives in Oakland, California, with her collection of orchids and her pet corn snake, Casper.

Join her newsletter!

Throwback Thursday: Storm’s Tempest by Lacey Savage #DarkDesire #TBThursday @laceysavage

Storm's Tempest (Final Cut Miami Multi-Author 1)
Cover Art by Bryan Keller

Tempest Kincaide is certain she must be the last twenty-eight-year-old virgin left in the entire world. Her fervent belief in holding out for her soul mate has kept her from doing what most women her age would have done long ago. She might consider a one-night stand, if only she weren’t so terrified of admitting that she has no experience, no real knowledge of sexual practices beyond the theoretical, and no skill in pleasing a man.

Storm is a retired sex demon. After centuries of catering to humans’ sexual whims, he’s taken himself out of the family business. His self-imposed dry spell has lasted more than most humans’ lifespans, but he’s just fine with that. He’s got a business degree and a real job now, and he’s in no rush to return to his seducing, womanizing ways.

Until he meets Tempest at Final Cut in Miami, that is. Her innocent nature calls out to the demon in him, making her impossible to resist. He wants to give her everything she craves — and a few things she’s never even imagined.

A memorable night at Final Cut leaves Tempest exhausted. But when she wakes up the next morning, naked and bound, she has no idea what she’s gotten herself into. This might be her chance to lose that virginity she’s been holding on to for far too long. But first she has to learn trust, passion, and the ecstasy of surrender… all at the hands of a sex demon who’s determined to claim Tempest for his own.

Get it at Changeling Press

Praise for Storm’s Tempest

“[A] heartwarming, very hot and unique erotic tale that doesn’t spare the humor.”4 Bookies! — Lea, Book Lovers, Inc.
“From the moment Storm and Tempest meet, the heat between them leaps off the page.”4.5 Stars! — Barbara McCormick, Just Erotic Romance Reviews


Award-winning author Lacey Savage loves to write about her dreams — or more specifically, she loves to breathe life into her steamy fantasies (and she’s got plenty!). She pens erotic tales of true love and mythical destiny, peopled with strong alpha heroes and feisty heroines. A hopeless romantic, Lacey loves writing about the intimate, sensual side of relationships. She currently resides in Ottawa, Canada, with her mischievous husband and their loving cat.

Throwback Thursday: Dark Legion by Isabella Jordan #DarkDesire #TBThursday @isyjordanauthor

Dark Legion (Box Set)
Cover Art by Marteeka Karland

Darkness is falling…

Things at Woods University are not what they seem. When Joey Sumner’s roommate Maria joins the growing ranks of blazer-wearing supergeeks who roam the campus in emotionless packs, Joey begins to think she has a problem. Then Joey stumbles upon a secret ritual being performed on campus, and her world is turned upside down. Joey and her boyfriend Will are forced to fight for their lives against an ancient evil cult that is preying on the student body. To make matters worse, their boss is one of them, and his obsession for Joey goes way beyond thinking she has a cute ass…

Evil is growing…

A year after the mysterious death of her husband Terrence, Ada Ross is still seeking answers. When handsome detective Eric Perfater comes back into her life offering a chance to unravel the mystery of her husband’s demise, Ada is more than ready to help. She’s also willing to throw off her endless loneliness and wantonly offer herself to sexy Eric in bed… But a dark shadow falls across their chance at happiness. Ada is a pawn in a desperate man’s ploy to hang onto the past and take control of a secret society whose very existence threatens the entire world.

Can the forces of evil’s hungry claws be defeated? Or will they all be consumed by the Dark Legion?

Publisher’s Note: This collection contains the previously released novellas Legion: University and Legion: Adult Education.

Get it at Changeling Press

Praise for University

“Ms. Jordan, as usual for her, gives us a book packed with a suspenseful plot filled with twists and turns and plenty of paranormal elements. She has turned the heat up to scorching in this temptingly torrid tale, leaving us hanging in the balance for her next book.”— 4 1/2 stars, Katherine J. Turcotte, Romantic Times Book Club

Praise for Adult Education

“If you like stories about the battle between good and evil with some great romance thrown in, then you will love Legion 2: Adult Education.”— Regina, Coffee Time Romance


Isabella Jordan is the alter ego of an otherwise stressed out web designer, programmer, and internet junkie. When she’s not trying to perfect her own personal caffeine IV drip, she enjoys spending time with her family, doing volunteer work, and writing. She loves creating new stories of all kinds and chatting with readers and friends.

Isabella would love to hear from her readers!

Author’s Website

Throwback Thursday: Hungry Novice by Kate Hill #TBT #RomanticSuspense #vampires @katehillromance

Hungry Novice (Scarlet Nights (Blood and Soul) 2)

Blair and May are supposed to be living their happily ever after, but for them it’s not that easy. Lately the only place they’ve been able to get along is in bed. May wants to join Blair’s vampiric family in their battle against evil, but he wants nothing more than to keep her safe.

Unable to reconcile, Blair sets May free, but when he’s captured by enemies, the tables turn and it’s up to May to defend him — possibly to the death. How far will a newly-made vampire go to test her powers?

Get it at Changeling Press

use code TBT2020 for 10% off your order at changelingpress.com


All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2015 Kate Hill

As the pleasure ebbed, May sank into a completely relaxed state, her breathing slow and even. She was aware of nothing except Blair lying beside her, his breath against her shoulder and his hand lightly caressing her belly.

After a moment, she opened her eyes to look at him. He took her hand and kissed the back of it, then gazed at their entwined fingers, a far-off expression in his eyes.

“That’s a quizzical look,” she remarked. “What are you thinking about?”

“Just that I never thought I could be this happy again.”

She smiled.

“And that I’m waiting for something to destroy it.”

Her smile faded and she squeezed his hand. “Blair, you must learn to live for the moment — to enjoy what’s happening now and stop worrying about the future until it comes.”

“You’re starting to sound like Hamilton.”

“He’s not such a bad person. I’ve only known him a short time, but I’m already grateful to him for a number of things.”

“I never said he was a bad person, just… annoying. Stubborn. Self-righteous.”

She raised an eyebrow. “Sounds like another man I know.”

He looked surprised. “You can’t mean me.”

“Can’t I?” She chuckled.

“May, that’s utterly preposterous and –“

“And I’d rather not argue on our first day home. I have other things to worry about.”

“Such as?”

“How do you intend to explain to the other people in the village that you’ve married your maid?”

“I don’t intend to explain anything. It’s none of their concern.”

“But –“

“No buts. The opinion of anyone who would find fault in our union means nothing to me. Do you honestly think that I of all people would sacrifice love for propriety?”

“No. I’m still not accustomed to someone like you.”

“Learning about each other is exciting, don’t you think?”

“Quite.” She snuggled closer and he tightened his arm around her.

“What would you like to do today?” he asked.

“I thought we might go for a ride so we can continue the lessons we started before we left for London. I’m still not as comfortable on horseback as I’d like to be. Then maybe you could help with my self-defense practice.”

A smile played around his lips. “You’re an unusual woman, May.”

Smiling, she brushed the tip of her nose against his. “We’re a good match then, because you’re an unusual man.”

Throwback Thursday: Chain of Kisses by Angela Knight #SciFiRomance #TBT @AngelaKnight

Chain of Kisses

For years, Prince Admiral Arles of Tor has been obsessed with Gisel Vanda, who jilted him at the altar. When he discovers the lovely runaway is now a mercenary space captain, he captures her, determined to get Gisel out of his system. He soon discovers she’s even more intelligent and beautiful than he remembered, but she is also a political liability he can’t afford.

Gisel bitterly regrets jilting Arles, and her love for him still burns bright. Even as he tests her with acts of erotic dominance, she sees the opportunity to redeem herself. But with a murderous enemy closing in, can love survive the demands of royalty?

Get it at Changeling Press

use code TBT2020 for 10% off your order at changelingpress.com

Praise for Chain of Kisses 

“Ms. Knight has a deft hand when it comes to crafting sexual hijinks and this book pushes the envelope… truth, happiness and kinky jewelry.”— Xeranthemum, Whipped Cream Erotic Romance Reviews