Tag Archives: #DarkDesire

TGIF Changeling — Harley Wylde, Jessica Coulter Smith, Marteeka Karland, Alex Winters, Camille Anthony, Angela Knight

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Obsession (Raven's Vale Psychos 1)Obsession (Raven’s Vale Psychos 1) Contemporary Dark Fiction by Harley Wylde
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All I’ve ever craved was blood on my hands — until her.

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Tales of Moonspell (Moonspell 1)Tales of Moonspell Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance by Jessica Coulter Smith
$5.99 /Sale Price: $4.79
Four women find the mates of their hearts as wolves battle vampires for control of Moonspell.

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Thorn (Salvation's Bane MC 3)Thorn (Salvation’s Bane MC 3) A Bones MC Romance by Marteeka Karland
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Kid she’s carryin’ ain’t mine. Don’t mean I ain’t keepin’ her when the dust settles.

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Thorn (Audio) (Salvation's Bane MC Audio 3)Thorn (Audio) (Salvation’s Bane MC Audio 3) A Bones MC Romance by Marteeka Karland

Audio $12.95

Kid she’s carryin’ ain’t mine. Don’t mean I ain’t keepin’ her when the dust settles.

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Ripple Effects (The Deep End 3)Ripple Effects (Deep End 3) A Contemporary Women’s Fiction Novella by Alex Winters
$4.99 /Sale Price: $4.24

They’re the boys next door. She’s their sexy as sin neighbor. Then their worlds collide.

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Runaway Home (Escape! 5)Runaway Home (Escape! 5) A Paranormal Women’s Fiction Hot Flash by Camille Anthony
$2.99 /Sale Price: $2.39

The snow in their hearts melts in the dark of night. Will their attraction survive the light of day?

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Arcane Island (Arcane Talents 4)Arcane Island (Arcane Talents 4) An Arcane Talents Novel by Angela Knight $5.99 /Sale Price: $4.79

Can a man who is no longer human trust a woman who wants him anyway?

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Arcane Island (Print) (Arcane Talents Print 4)Arcane Island (Print) An Arcane Talents Novel by Angela Knight

Print: $16.95

Can a man who is no longer human trust a woman who wants him anyway?

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Special Order at your favorite local bookstore ISBN: 978-1- 60521-847-2

Margaret Riley

TGIF Changeling — New from Marteeka Karland, Angela Knight, Harley Wylde, AK Nevermore

All New Releases 15% off at ChangelingPress.com

Rocket (Grim Road MC 1)Rocket (Grim Road MC 1) A Bones MC Romance by Marteeka Karland
$4.99 /Sale Price: $4.24

She’s a handful, but my little sour puss is the perfect old lady for this MC president.

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Master of Seduction (Merlin's Legacy 1)Master of Seduction (Merlin’s Legacy 1) A Mageverse Paranormal Women’s Fiction Novel by Angela Knight
$4.99 /Sale Price: $3.99

Rachel dreams of becoming Magekind. First she must prove herself to the vampire sent to seduce her.

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Master of Seduction (Merlin's Legacy Audio 1)Master of Seduction (Merlin’s Legacy Audio 1) A Mageverse Paranormal Women’s Fiction Audio Book by Angela Knight

Audio $12.95

Rachel dreams of becoming Magekind. First she must prove herself to the vampire sent to seduce her.

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Spider (Hades Abyss MC Audio 1)Spider (Hades Abyss MC Audio 1) A Dixie Reapers Bad Boys Romance by Harley Wylde

Audio $12.95

One look in her haunted eyes and Spider knows he can’t walk away.

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Grimdarke (Maw of Mayhem MC 1)Grimdarke (Maw of Mayhem MC 1) A Maw of Mayhem Shifter MC Romance by AK Nevermore $4.99 /Sale Price: $4.24

Can Grim and his inner cat come to a truce to protect the woman they love?

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Doc (Salvation's Bane MC 12)Doc (Salvation’s Bane MC 12) A Bones MC Romance by Marteeka Karland
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Rival MCs. Doc’s on the other side of a line I can’t cross. Maybe it’s time to break some rules…

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Chase (Bones MC 12)Chase (Bones MC 12) A Bones MC Romance by Marteeka Karland
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Cotton’s my woman — my only salvation, and I will protect her till my last breath.

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Chase/Doc Duet (Print) (Bones MC Print 20)Chase/Doc Duet (Print) A Bones MC Romance by Marteeka Karland

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There are lines that shouldn’t be crossed. Then again, maybe it’s time to break some rules…

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Margaret Riley

TGIF Changeling — New from Torri Heat, Sierra Dafoe, Marteeka Karland, Dakota Cassidy, Harley Wylde, Cassidy McKay, Jessica Coulter Smith

All New Releases 15% off at ChangelingPress.com

Deadlock (Revenge and Zombies 2)Deadlock (Revenge and Zombies 2)
A Sci-Fi Paranormal Women’s Action Adventure Novella by
Torri Heat

$3.99 /Sale Price: $3.39

Rory and Tessa team up to right their wrongs, but what if some things are just not meant to be?

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A Paranormal Women’s Fiction Novella by
Sierra Dafoe

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Lauren’s beginning to suspect there’s more under the Arizona clay than just old bones…

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The Witching Hour (Mount Bell 2)The Witching Hour (Mount Bell 2) A Paranormal Women’s Fiction Novella by Marteeka Karland
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Hazel’s spells never quite work the way they’re supposed to…

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WerelockWerelock A Paranormal Women’s Fiction Novella by Dakota Cassidy $3.99 /Sale Price: $3.19

When Addison Ross takes her niece and nephew pumpkin picking, she picks a winner…

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Stitches (Devil's Fury MC 13)Stitches (Devil’s Fury MC 13)
A Dixie Reapers Bad Boys Romance by Harley Wylde
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I failed Marci before. This time I’m going to kill every last bastard who hurt her.

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Shifting Focus (Protect and Serve 10)Shifting Focus (Protect and Serve 10)
A Paranormal Women’s Fiction Novella by Cassidy McKay
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Sophia’s lioness wants a new toy, and battle-hardened agent Monroe is harder to resist than catnip!

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Cy-Con (Cy-Con 4)Cy-Con Intergalactic Sci-Fi Romance by Jessica Coulter Smith
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Three Zelranian cyborgs battle space pirates and slave traders to find their true mates…

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Cy-Con (Print) (Cy-Con 5)Cy-Con (Print) Intergalactic Sci-Fi Romance by Jessica Coulter Smith

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Three Zelranian cyborgs battle space pirates and slave traders to find their true mates…

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Margaret Riley

THROWBACK THURSDAY: Blood Oath by Kira STone #LGBTQ #darkfantasy

In Taggert’s Bend, the vampires love to hate the magical tricksters, and the witches hate to love the unnatural beasts. So, to keep the feuding to a minimum, the blood drinkers refrain from dining on the magicians as long as the gifted spellcasters occasionally share with them a fraction of their natural charms.

Blending the essence of the natural and unnatural has unexpected consequences when a new Vampire Lord is selected to endure the Blood Oath. Each attempt to successfully conclude the Oath only creates more chaos. Will these powerful enemies conclude the spell before an evil they fear more than each other consumes them all?

Publisher’s Note: This collection contains the previously published novellas Blood PriceBlood MagicA Marked Man, and Blood Oath.

Get the Paperback at Amazon

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Copyright ©2018 Kira Stone
Excerpt from Blood Magic

Lord Rainer Allen surveyed the action in the steam room. Naked, writhing bodies adorned almost every surface, perhaps twenty in total. Any one of them could be his sex partner. All he had to do was beckon, and they’d come running. Just thinking about it made him hard.

That’s where he had to stop. At thinking about it. To act on his urges would be foolish in the extreme.

Kassian nudged him with a toe. “See anything you like?” The vampire lay on his side, one leg bent up to give Rainer a good look at his nine-inch cock as he stroked it to fullness.

“Nothing I’m dying to have.” Rainer preferred men to women. He’d made no secret of it, but his openness sometimes worked against him. Kassian had been trying to seduce him since he’d transferred in from Eastern Europe. Seventy-four years was one heck of a long time to continually reject a very tempting offer.


“I’d be using them, and possibly hurting them in the process. They deserve better treatment than that.”

“Use me. I don’t mind a little pain.”

Sebastian’s arrival prevented Rainer from having to answer. The blond perched on the stone bench next to his husky lover. “I see you started without me.” He took over the stroking.

Kassian put his hands behind his head and interlaced his fingers, his eyes on Rainer as Sebastian turned putty into stone. “What took you so long?”

“Door alarm went off.” Sebastian kissed the inside of his lover’s knee.

Rainer watched the landscape of the black leather stretched across the blond’s lap change from a plateau to a mountain peak. Kassian alone was dangerous enough to Rainer’s self-control. When joined by his rough and ready live-in lover, the combination was kryptonite against his inner strength. Each time it got harder to resist their enticement. Tonight he might be foolish enough, and desperate enough, to take them up on it.

Hoping there was a crisis brewing so he’d have an excuse to dodge them a few more hours, Rainer asked, “Problem?”

“No, just a neophyte who couldn’t tell his ass from a hole in the wall. He’s so fresh out of the grave he still triggered the mortal buzzer.”


Kira Stone lives in a warm cave tucked away in the remote Scottish Highlands, where a small band of ever-changing heroes serves as company. As they relax in front of a roaring fire, demons dance in leather pants and angels stroke tunes from the harp strings, while the Fae stop in to share tales from other worlds. Bound by pen and imagination, these are the folk who wait to greet you from the pages of Kira’s stories.

Throwback Thursday: Repossession (Soul Debt) by Mychael Black #DarkDesire #TBT #LGBTQ

When Aaron Jacobs’ twin makes a deal with the Devil, it can’t possibly end well. Then Aaron’s twin skips town, leaving Aaron to pay the debt himself. Aaron has no idea what to expect, but it sure as hell isn’t the cloven-hooved, horned wet dream who’s come to collect.

Get it at Changeling Press


All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2013 Mychael Black

“What?” Aaron Jacobs dropped onto the couch, body numb. “What the hell, Andy?”

“Dude, it’s the perfect set-up! I go housesit for some rich fuck, get a little ass on the side from his chick, get paid, come home.”

Aaron didn’t know whether to kick his twin’s ass or run for the hills before the firestorm hit. Andy Jacobs had a knack for finding odd jobs that paid in one week what Aaron’s salary as a programmer paid in a month, but the jobs usually involved rich morons who didn’t notice, or didn’t care, that their trophy wives were getting it on with the hired help. Somehow — and maybe it was just dumb luck — Andy never got caught. Aaron knew that could last for only so long.

“Do I want to know where you’re going this time?”

Andy snorted. “Jamaica.”

Aaron’s head fell back, and he stared at the ceiling fan, whirling away overhead. “What about your half of the rent and bills?”

“I’ll drop you some cash now and wire more when I get it,” Andy said. “Aaron, man, don’t worry. Have I ever left you high and dry?”

“It’s been a few years.”

“See? I come through… eventually.”

“Andy, you’re an idiot. You know that, right?”

Andy snorted. “Love you too, bro. Later.”

The line went dead, and Aaron dropped the cordless phone on his lap. He and Andy had always been polar opposites, from dress style and music to work ethics and sexual preferences. Of course, Andy wasn’t the least bit shy to brag about his latest fling with a rich man’s wife. Aaron, on the other hand, kept his own sex life under wraps. Granted, that was partly due to his lack of said sex life. He was twenty-four and already tired of anonymous, random flings. Unlike Andy, Aaron didn’t go for the one-night-stands much anymore.

How the hell did Andy do it? Any other person would have been caught long before now, but Andy always managed to skirt out of the danger zone before the husbands ever got wind of anything. It made no sense. Aaron gave up trying to figure his twin out. All he wanted was a hot shower and a night of relaxation. Work had been hell all damn week, and he had the next two days to wind down before doing it all over again on Monday.

He hauled himself out of the recliner and hung up the phone before heading for the bathroom. As the water got going, filling the room with steam, Aaron thought about the last date he’d had, nearly a year ago. Work took most of his time, leaving little for anything resembling play. Hell, he wasn’t sure if he even knew how to kiss a man anymore.

Aaron stripped and stepped into the shower, the temperature just on this side of too hot. Eyes closed, he braced his hands on the wall and tipped his head back. Intense heat pounded his body, soothing aches he didn’t know he had. Images drifted through his mind — various men in his past, kissing, teasing, fucking. God, what he wouldn’t give for a hot body and a hard cock to play with right now.

A knock startled him out of his fantasies. Who the hell?

Aaron turned off the water and grabbed a towel as he stepped out. The knocking turned to banging, and Aaron growled. “Damn it, I’m coming!”

He tucked the towel to secure it and headed for the front door, long hair plastered to his bare chest and dripping water everywhere. He wasn’t expecting anyone. Fuck it. If his nosy neighbor had the gall to knock on his door at ten in the evening, Aaron was determined to give the busybody the shock of her life. He jerked the front door open. “Mrs. Lyle, I really don’t have –“

Aaron blinked. His gaze traveled up strong legs and a muscular torso, over thick-muscled arms and to the sternest expression he’d ever seen. Long black hair framed an angular face. Dark eyes glittered with something between confusion and amusement.


Myc has been writing professionally since 2005, solo and with Shayne Carmichael. Genres include pretty much anything (no steampunk yet), though Myc is well known for paranormal stories. When not writing, Myc is usually playing PC games, reading, watching Netflix, and spending way too much time on Facebook. Since the question has come up in the past, pronouns are not an issue. Myc is bio-female, mentally male, and 100% genderfluid, so any pronoun works!

Throwback Thursday: Shadowed (box set) by Kate Hill #darkdesire #TBT #darkfantasy

Shadowing angels make sure their charges get the chance every new soul deserves.

Born of two demons, Michael is torn between his desire for a normal life and his demonic nature. Rich and sinfully sexy, he has cut himself off from relationships other than physical. When his favorite escort is brutally murdered, Michael uses his demonic skills to find her attacker, but Britt believes he’s to blame, and she’s determined to bring her sister’s murderer to justice. Can she keep from falling in love with a man torn between good and evil?

The son of a sex demon and a fallen angel, Oliver struggles to keep his libido under control while on duty as a shadowing angel in the wilderness of Alaska. He needs help and it arrives in the form of a sexy, no-nonsense former demon. Henrie, a shadowing angel with experience, is the perfect woman to assist a man desperate to regain his self-control. What she discovers is he actually needs to cut loose, especially on the evil forces that are secretly plotting to destroy him.

Sinister knows that a demon impersonating an angel must be breaking some cosmic rule, but that’s the least of his worries. By loving Jayden and surrendering to his good side, he has sealed his fate and will be destroyed by his hellish masters. Jayden is used to working on her own, but she ends up with a rather strange guardian angel, one she can’t help loving. Can they find a way to save a demon with an angelic soul?

Publisher’s Note: Shadowed Box Set contains the previously published novellas Frenzied, Alaskan Flame, and I’ll Be Damned.

Get it at Changeling Press

What are reviewers saying?

Praise for Frenzied

“Kate Hill knows how to tell a story! Once I started reading Shadowed: Frenzied, I could not put it down! All the right elements mixed the right way for the unique story of Michael.”— Victoria Cross, Night Owl Reviews

Praise for Alaskan Flame

“…a good quick read that you won’t be able to put down until you’ve finished reading it. This is one of her hotter books, and I thoroughly enjoyed every word of it. “— 4 Stars from Victoria Cross, Night Owl Reviews


Kate Hill (Also writing as Saloni Quinby)

Always a fan of romance and the paranormal, I started writing over twenty years ago. My first story was accepted for publication in 1996. Since then I’ve written over one hundred short stories, novellas and novels. I love to blend genres. I also love horror and a happily ever after, so if you’re looking for romance with witches, aliens, vampires, angels, demons, shapeshifters and more, there’s a good chance you’ll find something to your taste here.

When I’m not writing, I enjoy reading, watching horror and action movies, working out and spending time with my family and pets.  I love hearing from readers, so feel free to leave a comment at my blog or connect with me on Twitter.

Throwback Thursday: Garden of Delights by Alice Gaines #urbanfantasy #darkdesire #TBT

Wendy has to win the local garden show. Not only does she need to save her business, but she also wants revenge over her former lover and partner who absconded with the company assets.

Her local nurserywoman and friend directs her to a special place that can supply erotic plants for Wendy’s exhibit. Sex sells, so she can’t lose, right? What she doesn’t count on is encountering a mysterious man named Sage who claims he’s her guide. He guides her, all right, to physical intimacy more sublime than she’s thought possible.

When Wendy commits the unthinkable in her efforts to defeat her ex-lover, only Sage can guide her back to the right path.


All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2015 Alice Gaines

“Well then, let’s get you started,” Mrs. Chance said. “I have plenty more cymbidiums and lots of annuals. You’ll want some rolls of grass for a lawn. We can put together a pool and fountain.”

“Wow, you really are thinking ambitiously.” The display was already planning itself in Wendy’s imagination. An enchanted waterfall surrounded by flowers with a gravel path leading past a reflecting pool.

“I have a way to guarantee you’ll win the competition.” Mrs. Chance leaned toward Wendy and gave her a wicked smile — the sort of woman-to-woman thing that said “the bastard will be sorry he crossed us.”

“I’ve been wanting to tell you about something for a while,” Mrs. Chance said. “But I didn’t trust your partner with the knowledge.”

“I’m all ears.”

“I have a special section of my nursery for only my best customers. I guarantee you’ll find what you need there,” Mrs. Chance said. “In every sense of the word ‘need,’ if you get my drift.”

Wendy had never thought of her favorite plant lady as having ‘needs,’ if she got Mrs. Chance’s drift correctly. But the woman wasn’t all that old, and Wendy had never met a Mr. Chance. Could she have something or someone around who provided sexual services?

No, too weird. She wouldn’t even consider it. Although Mrs. Chance’s grin had taken a seriously lecherous turn. This was just a plant nursery, right?

“You want to go around to the back. There’s a walled-in garden. Knock on the gate that says ‘positively no admittance.’ I’ll text Sage to let you in.”

“Sage?” Wendy repeated. “Like the herb?”

“More like the learned one — a sage. Everything back there goes through him.” Mrs. Chance put her hand on Wendy’s shoulder. Conspirators again. “You’ll like Sage, and I’m sure he’ll like you.”

“All right, Mrs. C., and thanks.” Wendy turned to head off toward the back of the nursery, but Mrs. Chance held her for a moment.

“Remember,” Mrs. Chance said. “The gate marked ‘positively no admittance.'”


The area in question wasn’t hard to find. A wall of bricks over six feet high enclosed most of the area behind the nursery. Odd Wendy had never noticed it, but she’d never had any reason to come back here and had always assumed the space was a parking lot. The barrier didn’t appear particularly new, either, because ivy covered a great deal of it. That had to have taken some time to grow.

She searched until she found the gate. Made of metal, it appeared quite capable of keeping unwanted visitors out. When she knocked, the sound seemed to reverberate around her, as if someone had sounded a gong. As the noise faded, she stared at the sign. “Positively no admittance” was no kind of welcome, but she had no choice about turning back. She needed to win the garden competition to get her business back on track, and Mrs. Chance had assured her the vegetation on the other side of the wall would give her a victory.

Finally, the door opened with a creak that also seemed to echo around her. A man stood on the other side. Somehow, the name Sage fit him. He wore a flowing robe of earthy colors — browns, greens, and yellow like sunlight. His hair hung around his shoulders in thick curls of a rich brown matching his eyes. His expression reflected peace and relaxation. Exactly what you’d expect from someone who worked with soil and plants — at least if their business partner and love interest hadn’t abandoned them. Before she’d fallen head-over-heels in love with Jeff and had forgotten her roots, she’d felt that way often. This man seemed to offer to allow her to experience those feelings again. If she wasn’t overanalyzing the situation. She was certainly staring at him, rather rudely.

“I’m Wendy,” she said.

“I know.”

“Mrs. Chance must have texted you.”

“I would have recognized you anyway, Wendy.” He stepped aside. “Come in.”

Okay, a little strange but nothing to worry about. Maybe the guy thought he was psychic or something. Mrs. Chance wouldn’t employ anyone dangerous, and she certainly wouldn’t have sent a female customer into a secluded garden with someone who’d try something with her.

“You’re Sage?” she said.

“That’s how I’m known.”

“Is it your name?”

“If you like,” he said. “But you didn’t come here to discuss names, did you?”

“Mrs. Chance says you have special plants back here. I have a garden show to win.”

He smiled in the indulgent way you do to a child who’s said something entertaining but not overly intelligent. “You can win whatever you want with my plants. The trick is figuring out what you really need.”

“Sure thing, Sage. Maybe you can advise me.” He seemed to have a cryptic sort of ancient wisdom thing going on. Maybe he communed with the plants and the extra attention made them grow well. If so, a few lessons from him might help. After the way Jeff had left, she was low in the good vibes department.

He turned and headed down a path between some shrubs, his footfalls crunching on gravel as he went. Everything was perfectly manicured back here, as you might expect from the finest part of a nursery as excellent as Mrs. Chance’s. Tree roses lined their path, giving off the most amazing perfume. For the first time in days, Wendy’s shoulders went down to their normal position, and she could take even, deep breaths. She followed Sage without worrying where he was leading her or what he’d show her. In this garden, nothing mattered but the warmth of the sun, the call of birds, and the scent of fertile earth and flowers.

As her sense of time slipped away, so did her perception of distance, but honestly, they’d been walking for a while with no end in sight to the path.

Sage had moved ahead of her, and she had to increase her pace to keep up with him.

“Say, Sage,” she said with a bit of breath to her voice. “Are we still at the garden center?”

“We’re not at the center of the garden yet,” he answered.

That didn’t answer the question, so she put a hand on his arm to stop him for a minute.

“Where exactly is the center of the garden?” she said.

“Where is the center of anything?” he answered. “Right in the middle.”


USA Today bestselling author Alice Gaines has published several sensuous and erotic works. She prefers stories that stretch the imagination, highlighting the power of love and sex. Alice has a Ph.D. in psychology from U. C. Berkeley and lives in Oakland, California, with her collection of orchids and her pet corn snake, Casper.

Throwback Thursday: Sheltered Angel by Crymsyn Hart #darkfantasy #TBThursday @crymsynhart

Polly is running a fund raiser for the local animal shelter when she meets Vaughn, who wants nothing to do with what she’s selling. Instead, he sends her to hell, believing she’s a succubus.

But Polly’s really a witch hybrid with a soul, and Vaughn’s boss wants her alive. When Vaughn tracks her down again at the shelter, he discovers she’s guarded by her faithful Corgi/Hellhound Sugar. Determined to get answers, Vaughn learns there’s more to her than meets the eye, yet his resentment toward her grows until he discovers her ultimate secret.

Polly can’t help her growing attraction to Vaughn, even if he’s keeping something from her. As much as he doesn’t want to protect her, he’s forced to. Hell wants her back and will do anything to get her.


All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2017 Crymsyn Hart

Polly knocked on the door. She tried to look cheerful while clutching a catalog of Christmas cards, gifts, and other assorted holiday gifts, to her chest. Raising money for the local pound so they could provide food and shelter for homeless animals was important to her. But she cringed every time someone slammed a door in her face.

Footsteps approached and the door opened. A jaw dropping, sexy, tall man stood there. Everything about him was solid. Polly was imagining herself licking him up and down to satisfy some of her inner cravings.

“Go away. I don’t want any.” The impatience in his baritone voice was evident.

“But I’m not selling anything.”

He lifted a dark eyebrow. “Really?”

“That’s right.” She tried to sound upbeat and not come off like a plastic blonde with nothing going on between her ears.

“I doubt it. I can smell your desperation and cheap perfume.”

Motherfucker. He might be sexy as hell, but he is not calling me cheap. Her blood boiled. Polly’s fangs extended behind her pursed lips. She shoved them back up with her tongue so he wouldn’t see them when she talked.

“It’s not cheap. What I have is for a good cause. It’s for the local –“

Big Sexy slammed the door in her face.

“Animal shelter. All proceeds go to feeding and providing healthcare.” She finished her sentence and her smile dropped. Walk away and move on to the next door. You’ll get someone eventually. Think positively.

The demon inside of her reared its head. “Show him who he’s talking to. Make him buy shit for the cute, cuddly puppies.”

Polly drew herself up and pushed the inner voices away. It got tiring fighting her dual nature. It felt like she had three people warring inside of her head. Her. The succubus and the angel. Polly thought of herself as the quintessential cartoon character with the miniature angel and devil sitting on either shoulder.

The more she thought about the man, the angrier she got. Fifteen doors she had knocked on so far. Not one of them hid a kooky cat lady who would spend all her money on the dozens of cat cards or rolls of wrapping paper sporting kittens batting at dangling ornaments. The day had been a bust. This guy is going to spend money for a good fucking cause.

Polly turned back around, took in a deep breath, trying to stay calm.

“I told you I would win,” her dark half muttered.

The angelic side turned its back. Polly shoved them both back into their corners of her mind. She knocked on the door again and tapped into the succubus part of her.

The door opened. Big Sexy had a towel around his waist while he towel-dried his hair. “I told you I don’t want any.”

“Come on, sir.” Polly put a hand on her hip and purred. She caught a whiff of him, like cloves mixed with the deep scent of the woods. Water droplets dribbled down his chest. His green eyes narrowed. Her otherworldly charm didn’t seem to be working. This man should have been putty in her hands by now.

“I told you, I’m not interested in anything you’re selling. Go away and buy a different perfume. Whatever you’re wearing reeks like sulfur. What’s it called, Ode de Rotten Eggs?” He waved his hand in front of his nose to remove the scent.

Shit. It’s not working on him. Her sweet grin drooped. She clutched the catalog. Time to resort to other measures. She dropped her succubus powers. Her veins ran cold and energy crackled around her as she pulled it from the atmosphere. All sound fell away as she concentrated. With a flick of her fingers, the man’s towel flew from his hand and wrapped around his neck. The ends twisted until his face reddened. Veins pulsated in his temples.

Polly stepped closer. The top of her head came to the center of his chest, making him at least six-eight. She poked him in the ribs. “It’s because of you stuck-up assholes the shelters can’t save all the animals they want. I’m trying to do something good here. I’m so sick of arrogant jerkoffs smashing doors in my face. You’re going to buy something.” She shoved the catalog under his nose.

The power of Big Sexy’s will pulled on her control, but she maintained it. The key was keeping the intention. His burgundy face and bugged eyes showed the force he used to fight her influence. And she intended to bend him until he spent money. Instead, he ripped the catalog from her hands.

He glared at her. Polly didn’t break their eye contact. This wasn’t about the puppies anymore. This was personal. She balled her hands into fists and fixed her will on that towel staying around his throat. Big Sexy gripped the fabric and tried to pull it away again, but she kept it there. Her nails dug into her palms as he fought her until he gained the upper hand.

He pulled the towel far enough away from his neck and he whispered, “Ab angelis, mando vobis daemonia ire in gehennam.” By the angels, I command you demon, go back to hell.

A flash of heat ripped through Polly…


Crymsyn Hart is a National Bestselling author of over eighty paranormal romance and horror novels. Her experiences as a psychic and ghostly encounters have given her a lot of material to use in her books. Vampires, grim reapers, shifters, and other paranormal creatures tend to end up in her books no matter how hard she tries to keep them away.

She currently resides in Charlotte, NC with her hubby and her three dogs. If she’s not writing, she’s curled up with the dogs watching a good horror movie or off with friends.

To find out more about Crymsyn, check out her website on: http://www.crymsynhart.com

Throwback Thursday: Bowie’s Angel by Lynn Burke #bikerromance #TBThursday @AuthorLynnBurke

When a barely-legal blonde with a lithe, young body shows up at the Devil’s Outlaw MC strip joint to audition as a dancer, Ian “Bowie” Davies wants nothing more than to burrow between her long legs and claim her. She’s too young for his dominant side though, too innocent for the sharp edges of his darker desires. And way too hot to let another man touch her — a thought that has his hands itching to use his signature knives against any bastard who messes with his angel.

Hannah Harris ran away from home at age eighteen, desperate to escape the prison of her strict parents. Determined to delight in the sins her father preaches against, she puts her ballet talents to work, using a stripper pole to make a living. Dancing for Bowie and his blade has her panting to explore some of the “firsts” she planned to save for her future husband.

But when Bowie and his brothers attempt extortion beyond her parent’s ten thousand dollar reward for Hannah’s safe return, she’s left with a difficult choice. Offer up the evidence to put the notorious biker gang behind bars, or protect Bowie and chalk the shitshow up as a lesson learned and begin her independent life anew — without the lying bastard who owns her heart.

Can Bowie cut through the blindfold of lies on Hannah’s eyes and surrender the truth in his heart to win her back?

Get it at Changeling Press

Praise for Bowie’s Angel (Devil’s Outlaws MC 1)

“This is the first book in a great new MC series. The characters are well developed and have great chemistry. The storyline is a good one and flows well.”

— 5 Stars from Heather W., Amazon Review

“Oh my God. This was one hooooottt book. It was my first read from this author but I will definitely read more if this will continue.”

— 5 Stars from Maja, Amazon Review

“This book hooked me from the get go I just couldn’t put it down I fell in love with these characters and omg what a story just a perfect read.”

— 5 Stars from Jeanne, Amazon Review


All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2019 Lynn Burke

I sauntered through the doors of the Devil’s Strip Club like I owned the place even though my knees shook. Barely eighteen in a twenty-one and up only biker’s lounge, I had a mission and I wouldn’t be turned away.

Owned by the notorious Devil’s Outlaws, the “no-colors” club had been packed night after night from what I could tell from my tiny, third-floor apartment two blocks down the street. My new roommate, Cadence, danced in a nicer place closer to D.C., and had said the money was great when I told her I needed a job. Without a car, though, Devil’s convenience couldn’t be beat.

Muffled music thumped in the enclosed entryway, slipping through the tightly closed double doors ahead of me. The bearded, tattooed man on a stool beside them took his time checking me out from the tips of my black stiletto boots, up over bare thighs to the tiny leather skirt that hid the goods. A peek of my belly button and toned skin of my midriff gave way to a red halter top that showed off what little cleavage I had, my long, blonde hair waving over the small swells. The man’s focus snagged on my plump lips that shimmered with pale gloss, but eventually, he shifted his attention to my eyes, made up with makeup to make me appear older than the innocent soul I was.

“Hey,” I said, popping one hip out and smacking my lips together, while noting his shoulders, easily three times the width of mine, packed a mass of muscle beneath his black, button-down shirt. “I’m here to see Bowie.”

The man’s blue-eyed gaze slid back down over me. “He call you in?”

A broke-as-hell runaway desperate to make it on my own, I wasn’t above lying to get what I wanted, but the man stared at me as though he could read right through me. Partial lie, then.

“No.” I fought to keep my jitters contained. “But I heard he’s looking for some new skin onstage.” I slowly turned around to give him another look, arms held out at my sides, hoping like hell Cadence’s borrowed outfit would do the trick. I had to get caught up with rent, help with groceries, and I had a mile-long bucket list to tackle. Skydiving and learning to fly a plane didn’t come cheap.

Ever since I was a toddler, I’d always loved having eyes on me while dancing ballet. Now that I’d found independence, I wanted that feeling of owning the world rushing through me. What better way than to dance for much needed cash?

“Think I’ll do?” I lowered my voice, adding a breathless tone like the girls in some of the porno I’d finally gotten to fill my brain with — thanks to Cadence.


Lynn Burke is a full time mother, voracious gardener, and scribbler of hot romance stories. A country bumpkin turned Bay Stater, she enjoys her chowdah and Dunkin Donuts when not trying to escape the reality of city life.

Throwback Thursday: Billionaire Werewolf Ate My Fiance by Crymsyn Hart #darkfantasy #TBThursday @crymsynhart

The loss of her fiancé, Greyson, from an animal attack carved a hole in Sadie Matthews, body and soul. She seeks rest and relaxation at an exclusive resort, hoping for a chance to heal. However, things immediately go wrong when the desk clerk refuses to even hand over the key to her room.

Elijah Dane’s not the rescuing kind, but something about Sadie drives his wolf crazy. All he can think of is eating her up. After a wild night together, Elijah warns Sadie to stay inside during the full moon. When Sadie runs, he knows he must let her go. Can he get over his insatiable desire for her or will his wolf go to extremes to hunt her down and claim her for his own?

Get it at Changeling Press

Praise for Billionaire Werewolf Ate My Fiancé (Billionaire Werewolf 1

“A really great… hot book to read. Will leave you wanting more; a must-read.”

— 5 Stars from Mozzy, Amazon Review

“I enjoyed this quick read. The characters are great and the storyline is a good one.”

— 4 Stars from Heather, Amazon Review

“Ms. Hart writes an interesting story… I enjoyed Elijah and his wolf and found the unique idea of a man actually going to a place in his mind where he can talk to his wolf fascinating. The writer is talented and provides solid foundation for the world the story is set in and the many shifters introduced.”

— Delane, Coffee Time Romance & More!

About the Author

Crymsyn Hart is a National Bestselling author of over eighty paranormal romance and horror novels. Her experiences as a psychic and ghostly encounters have given her a lot of material to use in her books. Vampires, grim reapers, shifters, and other paranormal creatures tend to end up in her books no matter how hard she tries to keep them away.

She currently resides in Charlotte, NC with her hubby and her three dogs. If she’s not writing, she’s curled up with the dogs watching a good horror movie or off with friends.

To find out more about Crymsyn, check out her website on: www.crymsynhart.com