Tag Archives: #ChristmasStories

Throwback Thursday: The Gift From Within by Alice Gaines #holidayRomance #TBThursday @AliceGaines

Gift from Within (Twelve Nights)

Rick Harrison has a lot to forget. After the war, he’s holed up in a tiny cabin in Maine where he’ll never have to endure heat again. He’s cut himself off from all of humanity as he doesn’t feel very human himself. When a woman named Leeza shows up on his doorstep in the middle of a blizzard, he takes her in to save her life. Little does he know that she’s going to save his life, instead.

Get it at Changeling Press

Praise for The Gift From Within

Four stars! “12 Nights of Christmas: The Gift From Within is an entertaining, feel-good read with well-written settings and characters.”— Morgan Grey, Just Erotic Romance Reviews

Four cups! “This is a beautiful Christmas romance…filled with miracles and joy and plenty of hot steamy sex which makes this a perfect read for the season.”

— Wateena, Coffee Time Romance


USA Today bestselling author Alice Gaines has published several sensuous and erotic works. She prefers stories that stretch the imagination, highlighting the power of love and sex. Alice has a Ph.D. in psychology from U. C. Berkeley and lives in Oakland, California, with her collection of orchids and her pet corn snake, Casper.

Throwback Thursday: Bitsy’s Christmas Demon by Cynthia Sax #holidayromance #TBThursday @CynthiaSax

Bitsy's Christmas Demon (Sugarplums Multi-Author 2)

Every Christmas, an ancient demon stalks and murders fairies. Until this killer is apprehended, each fairy is assigned a demon protector. Decimus volunteers to be Bitsy’s protector. He’s lusted after the Christmas fairy for years. Three days and three nights with Bitsy allows him to satisfy that lust.

Except that three days is not enough, and Bitsy won’t grant him more, not unless he says, “I love you.” That’s a big problem. Demons don’t love. Christmas fairies won’t accept less. And evil never takes a holiday.

Get it at Changeling Press

Praise for Bitsy’s Christmas Demon

“This is a story with some sweet surprises, mixed with some very hot demon on fairy sex, and a happy ever after worth waiting for. If you want a quick enjoying interlude, this is for you.”— Holly, Whipped Cream Reviews


Some girls dreamed of knights in shining armor. Cynthia Sax dreamed of dragons, magnificent flying dragons. Being a bloodthirsty little thing, Cynthia usually dreamed of these dragons eating the damsels in distress. Now, she dreams of them doing… ahhh… more pleasurable things.

Cynthia is happily married. Although her hubby has not yet shown any shapeshifting abilities, he does buy her medieval princess costumes to wear around the house. Cynthia’s rather traditional mother-in-law now always calls before visiting. You can learn more about Cynthia by visiting her website at www.CynthiaSax.com, her blog at http://tasteofcyn.com, or email her directly at Cynthia@CynthiaSax.com.

Throwback Thursday: Santa’s Claws by Stephanie Burke #holidayromance #TBThursday @flashycat

Santa's Claws (Holiday Business 1)

Santa’s making a list, checking it twice, and keeping all the other Holidays in check. But when an upstart Valentine’s Day out for revenge infects one of Santa’s precious Think Tank Elves with a true soul mate, the claws come out. Now he’s going to see to it that his Elf and the naughty human to whom he’s bound have a very Merry Khristmas… or else.

Get it at Changeling Press


All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2011 Stephanie Burke

Noel looked around at the wreck of her apartment and added another tick to her mental column, Why I hate Christmas.

In addition to having family drop by, expecting her to cook all kinds of holiday treats, there was the added bonus of having them suck down all her booze in moments, making her house drier than a schoolteacher during Prohibition.

And for what? For them to tell her things would get better? That she was lucky to have her shitty job as a code monkey? That all she needed was the love of a good man, woman, pet, plant, inanimate battery operated device — insert the one that works for you, hon — in her life?

She slammed another empty container of potato salad — the potato salad she’d made herself to supplement her lunch of holiday ham sandwiches — into the trash and tried not to scream. The spiral cut ham North Pole Industries had given its employees in lieu of a Christmas bonus this year — cheap bastards — was gone too. Now she’d have to go shopping for sandwich fodder.

Last time she’d been forced to shop on the twenty-fourth, she’d gotten elbowed in the eye by a new wife frantic for candied yams. The final straw had been getting elbowed by a granny with a fierce walking stick over a bag of marshmallows. “I need this for hot cocoa after fireplace sex!” she’d ranted, brandishing the cane. Noel conceded on that point, but she did make off with a pizza and felt no guilt for it.

And now she was going to be forced to go back into the cold night to hunt down food. No one would be open on Christmas Day, and she had to be at work on time on the twenty-sixth or she’d risk losing her holiday pay.

“Ho-fucking-ho,” she muttered, reaching for her coat. She checked her pocket for mace and her brass knuckles along with her wallet. This year, she was going in prepared.

She opened her door and flinched at the sound of annoyingly cheerful jingle bells.

“Someone needs to turn that stupid music down,” she muttered, picking up her garbage bag and stepping out of her apartment. They’d been forcing her to listen to holiday cheer since before Halloween. By now she was right tired of all Christmas music, from “The Christmas Song” to “All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth.”

Hell, all she wanted for Christmas was for it to go away.

She had just turned to lock her door when a blast of cold made her spin around. Noel’s mouth dropped open when she got a gander at what was going on in her hallway. It was snowing.

Yes, there was a light dry snow falling, coating the carpet, killing the inside fichus, and just being so wrong that it shocked her into silence. Her keys dropped to the snowdrift building in front of her door.

It was snowing in her hallway, and that just wasn’t supposed to happen.

“What the –” Her words were cut off as a gust of wind knocked her off her feet, and something hard landed on top of her.

By the time she blinked the snow out of her eyes, she was more than ready to call it a night, with or without food. But the thing on her chest shifted, and she looked up to see the most intense pair of black eyes she had ever seen.

They blinked at her, looking as confused as she felt, and she looked down to take the whole of him in.

God, he was gorgeous. His hair was a tousled mass of dark curls. His face was narrow with a strong jaw line and a stubborn chin over which sat the most enticing set of full, red lips. They made her think of oral sex and hours of kissing fun. He wore a velvet jacket that did nothing to hide his muscular body.

He rose up enough to rake the hair back from his face, exposing a set of ears that would have made most Star Trek fans green with envy. Noel felt her eyes go wide as the damn ears wiggled. And not in a mechanical, costumed way either. She knew what robotic motions looked like. These ears moved naturally. No costumer in the world could perfectly duplicate that reflex motion or the flush of red that flowed from his face to the tips of his ears.

“Hello.” His voice was deep and mellow, curiously gentle and soothing to her wound-tight nerves.

“Uh, hello?” she responded in a squeak. Certain body parts grew swollen and moist.

“Yes, hello,” he repeated, his voice oddly accented. “How are you?”

The word wanton rolled through her mind, but she repressed the urge to be that honest. “Fine,” she replied, noting the oddity of having a conversation with a man practically sitting on your crotch, but carrying on anyway. “And yourself?”

“I am wonderful.” He smiled fully, and Noel no longer felt the cold of the snow she was lying on. Lust had set up camp and wasn’t going anywhere soon.

“So…” She fought back a giggle. A giggle! She hadn’t giggled since mullets were cool. And mullets had never been cool in her book. But here she was, acting like a schoolgirl speaking to her crush for the first time. Never mind the fact that the man was a perfect stranger with ear disabilities, she wasn’t knocking him off her lap and running for the hills. Something was not quite right.

“So…” He let the word trail off. “Ever have sex with an Elf?”


Stephanie is a USA Today Best Selling, multi published, multi award-winning author, Master Costumer, handicapped, wife and mother of two.

From sex-shifting, shape-shifting dragons to undersea worlds, sexually confused elemental Fey and homo-erotic mysteries, all the way to pastel-challenged urban sprites, Stephanie has done it all, and hopes to do more.

Stephanie is an orator on her favorite subjects of writing and world-building, a sometime teacher when you feed her enough tea and donuts, an anime nut, a costumer, and a frequent guest of various sci-fi and writing cons where she can be found leading panel discussions or researching varied legends and theories to improve her writing skills.

Stephanie is known for her love of the outrageous, strong female characters, believable worlds, male characters filled with depth, and multi-cultural stories that make the reader sit up and take notice.

Throwback Thursday: Dawg-Napped! by Anne Kane #holidayromance #TBThursday @AnneKane

Dawg-Napped! (Holiday Howlz Multi-Author 1)

When one of Santa’s elves stops at the Prairie Dawg Saloon on his vintage motorcycle, Cyndi can’t resist taking a closer look at the classic bike. Then Bruce comes back outside unexpectedly and Cyndi panics, shifting to hide in one of the saddlebags. She doesn’t realize the bike is a matchmaking reindeer in disguise. Comet knows all about the sexy little critters of Dawg Town, and he’s decided the cute little prairie dawg is just what Bruce needs to cuddle up with him in his North Pole cottage.

Get it at Changeling Press


All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2009 Anne Kane

Comet held himself very still. He didn’t want to scare away the female. She’d be perfect for Bruce, and Comet knew the young elf desperately needed a female. Soft brown eyes complemented her golden-brown hair. Young, sexy, not too tall, but not short either. Curvy, too. Not the type to appeal to everyone, but elves liked lots of padding on their women. Now all he had to do was figure out how to get the two of them together. If someone didn’t help him, Bruce would spend the rest of his life without a mate, and the North Pole was one place where you needed a bed partner to help keep the chills at bay.* * *

Cyndi sidled up to the vintage motorbike, keeping an eye peeled for the owner. He’d sounded downright grouchy when he’d snarled at Peppie for waddling over to admire the bike. Dressed completely in dark leathers, with a scowl that would wilt the toughest salesman, he’d looked like the kind of guy she usually steered well clear of. Unfortunately, she just couldn’t resist the temptation. She had this thing for vintage bikes, and to have one roar up to the Barkus Saloon was unbelievable. The intoxicating aroma of real leather filled her senses with a feeling akin to lust. She just had to touch it.

The machine was in mint condition, and her regard for the owner went up a few notches. It took dedication and a lot of elbow grease to keep one of these babies from becoming a run-down pile of metal.

She ran her hand lovingly over the chromed sissy bar, and walked in a slow circle around the machine, checking out the immaculately sparkling exhaust and shiny wheel spokes. Someone had certainly given them a good rubbing recently.

She fingered the braided leather that outlined the front flap of the saddlebags. The workmanship intrigued her. She’d never seen anything quite this intricate. She examined the bags carefully, looking for the craftsman’s stamp, but couldn’t find an identifying mark.

After taking a look around to ascertain no one was watching, she unbuckled the flap to take a quick peek inside. Sometimes leather workers stamped their initials on the inside of a piece so as not to mar the beauty of their creations. She peered inside the left bag, but couldn’t see any markings. Grumbling, she refastened the buckles and went back around to check the bag on the other side. She’d just gotten the flap lifted, and her head down to look inside, when she heard the door of the bar creak open.

“Thanks, Bucky. I’ll make sure Santa’s good to you this Christmas.”

Cyndi recognized the deep voice as belonging to the owner of this lovely machine. Damn! He must have gulped his drink down in record time.

Panicking, she sucked in a deep breath and willed a shift. Seconds later, her small, furry prairie dawg body tumbled to the bottom of the saddlebag. The flap slapped closed above her and she let out a sigh of relief. The dark, rich smell of leather surrounded her and she sat still, letting her eyes adjust to the darkness. She heard a creak of leather and the saddlebags dropped an inch closer to the ground as the biker’s weight settled into the seat.

Good. With him seated his back would be to her and she could slip out undetected and make a run for the safety of the grass. Standing up on her hind legs, she pushed against the flap.

Nothing. The leather remained obstinately in place. There was no way he could have buckled the straps back down without her hearing him. She pushed harder, panicking again, when she heard the snick of the rider’s face shield coming down, but the flap refused to budge.

She dug her claws into the thick leather and braced herself to shove against the obstinate flap with all her furry might. It didn’t even bend.

The roar of the engine revving up made her jump, and she tumbled to the bottom of the saddlebag, cursing every inch of the way. She’d barely managed to scramble to her feet when the bike jerked forward, and she again landed in an undignified heap on her butt. Oh shit! They were moving! Well, there wasn’t much she could do now except hope the biker didn’t live too far away.

She’d been up before dawn this morning, and the motion of the bike made her drowsy. Cyndi turned around a few times to find the most comfortable position, curled up, and let the rocking motion lull her into a fitful sleep. After a while the air got colder, and she buried her nose under her tail before she drifted off yet again.* * *

Cyndi could hear voices, far away, arguing.

“What the hell do you mean you thought I’d like her? She’s a rodent, for crying out loud.” She recognized the voice of the biker, but the air was so cold, and she didn’t want to wake up.

“She’s not a rodent. She’s a prairie dawg shifter, and a dang cute one at that. How was I supposed to know prairie dawgs could suffer from hypothermia? She has fur!”

A second voice? She didn’t remember there being two bikers, but then, she didn’t really care. She just wanted to stay in her warm world of dreams. She wished the two would go away.

“That’s your problem, Comet, you just don’t think things through. You get an idea and you run with it. She could have died in there!”

“I would have felt it if she was in danger.” Comet sounded defensive. “It felt like she was sleeping.”

“Well, now I’m going to have to wake her up and try to explain why she’s freezing her furry little tail off at the North Pole instead of sunning it in Barkus, Kansas.”

The North Pole?


Anne Kane lives in the beautiful Okanagan Valley with a bouncy little rescue dog whose breed defies description, a cantankerous Himalayan cat, and too many fish to count. She spent many years trying to fit in and act normal, but finally gave up the effort. She started writing romance in 2008, and her fate was sealed when she won a publishing contract with Red Sage Publishing and just a month later Changeling Press accepted her first submission. Since then she has published more than thirty stories in a variety of sub-genres, all with a happily ever after.

She has two handsome sons and six adorable grandchildren and enjoys spending time with them whenever she can. Her hobbies, when she’s not playing with the characters in her head, include kayaking, hiking, swimming, playing guitar, singing and of course, reading.

Throwback Thursday: Yule Wolf by Kate Hill #christmasromance #PNR #Gay

Yule Wolf (Christmas Cookies Multi-Author 1)

Published by Changeling Press
Cover Artist: Renee George


While in the icy North, Professor Roth Lawrence, an expert in Viking history, is separated from his expedition and is sure he will die alone in the dangerous, frozen mountains. Injured and suffering from exposure, he comes upon a brightly lit cave and meets an enormous wolf, a magnificent creature whose kiss can save or take life.

The last of his kind, Fenris has spent centuries on the outskirts of modern society — a werewolf alone and longing for companionship. Finding a wounded mortal in his lair is a temptation he cannot resist, but the man is near death. Saving him means they will be bound forever.

On this dark, cold Yuletide Eve, man and beast exchange blood and share love deeper than they’d ever dreamed as Fenris offers Roth the most priceless holiday gift imaginable.


Get it Today at Changeling Press


Praise for Yule Wolf“I’d like to revisit this little world… Pretty impressive for such a brief visit.”

— Xeranth, Whipped Cream

“Kate Hill does a great job weaving this tale into an excellent romance. This is a well crafted Christmassy read.”

–Dee Dailey, The Romance Studio



Throwback Thursday: Ribbons and Lace by Anne Kane #christmasromance #contemporaryromance

Ribbons and Lace (Red Velvet Christmas 7)

Published by Changeling Press
Cover Artist: Renee George


When Leonardo Delgado fell in love with a woman who was already engaged, he resigned himself to loving her from afar. But when her fiancé ran off with another woman, he knew exactly what he wanted to make his Christmas merry!

Amanda-Lyn doesn’t believe in love anymore. She takes a job as an elf at the local mall, and starts to rebuild her life. A nice one-night stand without all that romantic nonsense is all she wants this holiday season. It might have worked, too, except for her sinfully handsome boss and a jolly old matchmaking man in a red suit and cap.


Get it Today at Changeling Press


Praise for Ribbons and Lace 

“…a fast paced romance full of heat, heart and no small amount of angst. I loved the playfulness between this couple and the genuine respect they seem to have for each other — and really adored the climatic ending.”

— 4.5 Blue Ribbons from Chrissy Dionne, Romance Junkies

Throwback Thursday: Christmas Angel by Paige Warren #christmasromance #contemporaryromance #oldermanyoungerwoman

Christmas Angel (Christmas Magic 10)

Published by Changeling Press
Cover Artist: Bryan Keller


Fireman Grayson Tanner only fears one thing. His mother’s wrath. When he accidentally sets her tree on fire two days before Christmas, he knows he has to fix things fast. There’s just one problem. The best tree farm in town is owned by his ex-girlfriend’s family, and Gray hasn’t been there in twenty years, not since Cynthia broke his heart and laughed at his proposal. But he’ll do anything for his mom — even face his demons. The last thing he expects to find at the farm is an angel with a smile that could melt the iciest of hearts.

Miranda Carlton has always been a disappointment to her parents — not that she cares much. Cynthia and Rick Carlton only care about their money and their social standing, neither of which has ever impressed Miranda. Little did she realize working her grandfather’s tree farm would give her the one thing her life has always been missing — a man who sees her for who she is. She doesn’t care that there’s twenty years between them, or that he used to date her mother. All she knows is the best Christmas present in the world would be Gray, and she’ll do anything to get him.


Get it Today at Changeling Press



All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2017 Paige Warren

He was completely and totally fucked.

Gray absently rubbed his chin as he stared at the charred tree. His mother’s favorite ornaments had been on there, and the star she’d had since forever. In his defense, how was he supposed to know the damn thing hadn’t been watered and would go up in flames from the slightest spark? Live trees were supposed to have water. He was certain there was a rule about it. Maybe he should have paid a little more attention to the tree before lighting the fire, but he wasn’t taking all the blame for this one.

It could have been worse. There could have been presents under there.

He surveyed the damage and wondered how the hell he was coming out of this unscathed. What exactly was the going punishment for torching your mom’s favorite decorations? And two days before Christmas at that. She’d be hard-pressed to find another tree this late in the season, especially one as nice as this had been. All that would be left were the small, scrawny trees.


“Grayson Keats Tanner! What the hell did you do?” his mother demanded from the doorway.

He winced and stared at the tree, or what remained of it.

“My Christmas party is tomorrow night. How am I supposed to have a Christmas party without a tree? Where are the presents supposed to go?” she asked.

“I’ll find you a tree,” he said.

“The only way you’re finding a tree like that one this close to Christmas is if you go to the woods and chop one down. And with my luck, you’d find one with a family of squirrels nesting in it and then my entire house would be destroyed and not just the damn tree.”

“I can fix this, Mom.”

She huffed.

“Really,” he said. “I’ll scour every tree lot until I find the right tree.”

“The only tree that’s going in my house is from the Baker Farm,” his mom said. “You do remember where that is, don’t you?”

Oh hell no.

“Does it have to be the Baker Farm?” he asked.


Fucked didn’t begin to describe his life in that moment. He hadn’t been to the Baker Farm since Cynthia Baker had laughed at his proposal and informed him she was fucking his best friend. That had been his sophomore year of college, but some wounds never healed. It wasn’t that he was pining after the bitch, he just really never wanted to see her again, and with it being the holidays, she was bound to be at her parents’ place.

“The Baker Farm, Gray. Or don’t show up for Christmas.”

Damn. That was cold.

Gray resigned himself to his fate. He hauled the burnt tree, ornaments and all, out to the curb — something his buddies at the fire department would never let him live down — then got in his truck to drive out past the town limits. The Baker Farm was two miles outside of town, and he hadn’t been there since Cynthia Baker had broken his heart. Getting there wasn’t a problem. It might have been a few years… or twenty, but he’d been to the Baker Farm so many times in his youth, he could find it in his sleep.

Cynthia had been his high school girlfriend, and he’d hoped she’d become his fiance and later his wife. He should have known a fireman wouldn’t be good enough for the likes of her. His best friend, Rick Carlton, had been studying at the same college. Pre-law. His betrayal had probably hurt more than Cynthia’s. Gray had been told countless times what kind of woman she was, but he’d hoped his love would be enough for her. Until he’d had it thrown back in his face.

He hadn’t seen either Cynthia or Rick since that day. They’d left town, and from what he’d heard, they’d gotten married and had a baby. Hell, she’d probably been pregnant with his best friend’s kid when he’d asked her to marry him. How fucked up was that? It had been a really long time ago, though. Gray was forty now and not some college kid ready to take on the world. He’d graduated top of his class with a degree in Fire Science and had gone on to join the local fire department. He’d been offered the captain’s job last year but had turned it down, not wanting to deal with all the politics that would go with the position.

He pulled down the drive of the Baker Farm and came to a stop near the tree lot. As he got out of the truck, he took in the pathetic offerings that were left this near the holidays, and knew his mother wasn’t going to be happy. And when Margaret Tanner wasn’t happy, no one was happy. He browsed the lot, hoping for a miracle.

“May I help you?” a soft voice called out behind him.

Gray turned. And froze. His gaze scanned the woman from the top of her curly, blonde hair to the tips of her worn boots. Denim hugged her curves and showcased legs that any sane man would want wrapped around him. Dragging his gaze upward, he lingered a moment on the hourglass shape that even her coat couldn’t hide, before stopping on a face so beautiful his breath faltered.

She smiled, amusement shining in her blue eyes, and he realized he was staring like an idiot. He fought the urge to check his chin for drool.

“I need a tree,” he said. “A big, fat one.”

“And you waited until now to pick one out?” she asked.

“Not exactly. The other one had an unfortunate accident, which might have been my fault. If my mother doesn’t have her perfect tree before her party tomorrow night, I may be disowned.”

She giggled and motioned for him to follow her toward the back of the lot.

He couldn’t help but admire the sway of her hips, or the way those jeans hugged an ass that his hands itched to grab. What the hell? It wasn’t like he’d never seen a beautiful woman before, but this one… there was something about her that made him feel like a caveman. He wanted to toss her over his shoulder and carry her to the nearest bed, and then keep her there for days.

He didn’t know where the Bakers had found this delectable angel, but he intended to ask her out once the tree issue was settled. The thought of not knowing her name, of not kissing those lips, seemed criminal. When she stopped under a ball of mistletoe, Gray knew he couldn’t let the opportunity slip through his fingers. A girl working in a tree lot had to believe in Christmas traditions, right?

She turned toward him and he hooked an arm around her waist, bring her tight against his chest. Her eyes widened a moment, and he took advantage, pressing his lips to hers before she could utter a word of protest. She stiffened only a moment before melting against him. Her hand crept to the back of his neck, holding him as his lips devoured hers.



TGIF Changeling — New from Marteeka Karland, Ayla Ruse, Dulce Dennison, Stephanie Burke, Harley Wylde, Shelby Morgen, Emily Carrington, Ana Raine, Anne Kane, Ayla Ruse, CJ England, Crymsyn Hart, Dahlia Rose, Judy Mays, Julia Talbot, Lena Austin, Lily Vega, Ruth D. Kerce, Sara Jay, Sean Michael


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Margaret Riley

Throwback Thursday: Pick-Me-Up by Megan Slayer #TBT #Christmasromance #Gay #LGBT #PNR

Pick-Me-Up (Christmas Spirits 1)

Published by Changeling Press
Cover Artist: Bryan Keller


Nic Kristol wants one thing for Christmas — a second chance. Being dead makes second chances hard, but the moment he sees Jon, he’s determined to meet the handsome man.

Jon Ruhle thought he’d given up on romance, but along came Nic. He’s drawn to the mysterious man and would love to spend the holidays together. There’s just one problem — Nic’s a spirit. Will he and Nic find their forever together or apart?


Get it Today!


Praise for Pick-Me-Up (Christmas Spirits)

“With plenty of magic, Christmas wishes and festive warmth, I found this to be a lovely short story and a good read. I was very pleased with the happy ending and found the chemistry and attraction between Jon and Nic to be intense and lovely. A good, Christmassy read.”

— Fern, Long and Short Reviews






Throwback Thursday: Santa’s Slay by Stephanie Burke #TBT #christmasromance #holidayromance#BDSM #PNR

Santa's Slay (Holiday Business 2)

Publisher: Changeling Press
Cover Artist: Bryan Keller

Jack Frost doesn’t nip. He bites — and bites hard.

When reporter Peter Winston gets too close to the secrets of Chris Cringle and North Pole industries, he’s gifted to Chris’s bodyguard and ex-lover Jack Frost. Now it’s a matter of time before he gives into the delicious demands of the sadistic dominant, learning that being naughty can be so nice.


Get it Today!


Praise for Santa’s Slay

“This short novella was hot, despite the whole Frost factor… You won’t find romance here, just some strong BDSM with very well done scenes and a unique take on the Christmas story!”

— 4 Stars from AlexJouJou, Manic Readers


“Jack was simply ah-maz-ing! He was hysterical and sexy all at the same time (which isn’t as easy as it sounds). And the sex? SMOKING HOT! I would definitely recommend this book, as it’s a very interesting and unique (kinky) take on Christmas and the usual characters.”


— 4 Stars from Emily, The Romance Reviews