Tag Archives: #ChristmasStories

TGIF Changeling — New from Marteeka Karland, Paige Warren, Harley Wylde, Megan Slayer, Lena Austin

Christmas In July — 25% off
all Christmas-themed romances at changelingpress.com

All New Releases 15% off at ChangelingPress.com

Rage (Iron Tzars MC 6)Rage (Iron Tzars MC 6) A Bones MC Romance by Marteeka Karland $4.99 /Sale Price: $4.24

Calm cool and collected I ain’t. Especially when my brother’s woman leaves a baby on my doorstep.

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Blossom Creek Duet (Blossom Creek 3)Blossom Creek Duet Contemporary Women’s Fiction by Paige Warren $4.99 /Sale Price: $3.99
Print: $11.95

Sometimes romance finds its way to the most unlikely of places, even a small town like Blossom Creek….

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Casper VanHorne (A Bad Boy Romance 5)Casper VanHorne (A Bad Boy Romance 5) A Dixie Reapers Bad Boys Romance by Harley Wylde  $3.99 /Sale Price: $3.19

I’d found and lost my one and only. I never thought I’d get another chance at love.

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Forge/Casper VanHorne Duet (Print)Forge/Casper VanHorne Duet (Print) A Dixie Reapers Bad Boys Romance by Harley Wylde

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When the past comes back to haunt me I know I’ll do whatever it takes to keep my woman — this time…

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Taken by the Siren (Taken 3)
Taken by the Siren (Taken 3)
A Paranormal Women’s Fiction Novel by Megan Slayer
$4.99 /Sale Price: $4.24


Michael came home to heal his broken heart. He had no idea he’d find the love of his life in a siren….

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Flash Point (Protect and Serve 1)Flash Point (Protect and Serve 1)
A Paranormal Women’s Fiction Novella by Lena Austin
$3.99 Sale Price: $3.19


After Dustin saves a cat shifter from a fire, can Tigs save the fireman from himself?

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Styx/Ripper Duet (Print) (Bones MC Print 16)Styx/Ripper Duet (Print)
A Bones MC Romance by Marteeka Karland

Print $16.95

As I fall deeper and deeper under her spell, I find I can’t deny her anything.

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Tank (Audio) (Dixie Reapers MC Audio 9)Tank (Audio)
A Dixie Reapers Bad Boys Romance by Harley Wylde

Audio $12.95

I’ve never been good at backing down, especially when I see something I want. And I want Emmie…

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Margaret Riley

Throwback Thursday: Ghost Hunting by Mychael Black #TBT #Christmas #LGBTQ

As the resident medium for Southern Kansas Haunts, Caleb Ryan is used to overacting for the camera. He hates it, but the show pays well. The small city of Tory, Kansas, doesn’t have much more to offer, even though he longs for something… real.

Scott Pennington, heir to an aging farm on the outskirts of Tory, desperately needs help. When no other groups will talk to him so close to Christmas, he turns to the crew of the local ghost-hunting show, Southern Kansas Haunts.

Caleb hopes this “investigation” pays off, but he quickly finds more than he bargains for at the old Pennington farm.

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All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2018 Mychael Black

“Look, I’m just saying that maybe a little more… drama is what we need. Just a little –”
Caleb Ryan threw his hands up, exasperated. “I might say I feel something when I don’t. I might overact for the camera. But I will not pretend to talk an old lady’s dead husband!”

“Um, Caleb,” someone said from behind him.

Whirling around, Caleb continued, “I will not…” He blinked. “Oh. Uh, hi?”

The director’s assistant smiled rather sheepishly. “Sorry to interrupt. This is Mr. Scott Pennington.”

“Scott,” the silver fox said, extending one hand to Caleb. “Just call me Scott.”

Caleb dumbly nodded before managing to kick his brain into gear. “Um, Caleb Ryan. How can I help you? Are you a fan of the show?”

Scott glanced at the assistant and the director, both of whom left. He cleared his throat. “I got your name from a waitress in Pratt,” he said. “She gave me a list of names, people who deal with… otherworldly things. No other groups near here will see me until after Christmas. I’m kind of desperate, to be honest.”

Caleb nodded. “Yeah, I don’t observe it, so I’m usually the one folks come to this time of year. What sort of otherworldly things are you talking about?”

“Ever hear of Pennington Farm?”

Caleb snorted out a laugh. “Are you kidding? Everyone’s heard of that place! The old loon who owned it fled the house and refused to go back. Rumor has it that it’s haunted, but no one’s been able to get in to investigate.” Caleb narrowed his gaze. “Why?”

Scott drew a key from his pocket and held it up. “That old loon was my uncle. The farm is mine now. And I need help.”

“I see,” Caleb muttered. “Um, we’re wrapping up here, but I’d love to talk to you about it. When’s a good time?”

“You free for dinner?” Scott asked.

Ignoring the brief thrill of having a not-date with the gorgeous man, Caleb nodded. “Sure. What did you have in mind?”

“This is the first time I’ve been back this way in almost thirty years.” Scott pulled out his wallet and handed Caleb a business card. “Give me a text or call when you’re done, and I’ll meet you wherever. I’m staying at the Spicer Inn in downtown Pratt.”

Caleb glanced at the card, then smiled and nodded. “Sure thing. Shouldn’t be too long. Maybe an hour or so?”

“That works,” Scott said. “Thanks. I’ll talk to you then.”

Caleb watch the man walk away, unable to stop staring at muscular thighs and a tight butt encased in slightly faded denim. Thirty years? Judging by the hint of silver in the dark hair, Caleb put Scott Pennington in mid-forties, maybe. It didn’t matter. Caleb would sit up and beg just to see lust in those luminous baby blues.

Fingers snapped in front of his face. Caleb shook his head. “Sorry.”

His friend and fellow investigator, Jay, just laughed. “What was that about?”

Caleb studied the business card. “We may be the first to investigate Pennington Farm.”


He met Jay’s gaze and held up the card, emblazoned with Scott Pennington, Homicide in dark blue across the middle. Below it, in black: St. Louis Police.

“Holy shit,” Jay muttered.

“Yeah. I’m meeting him tonight to talk it over.”

Jay smirked. “Talk what over? The farm investigation? Or getting into his pants?”

“Asshole. The farm, dude. Yeah, he’s hot, but I doubt he’s gay.”

“You never know,” Jay said with a shrug. “Just because he’s a cop doesn’t mean he doesn’t like guys.”

“I know.” Caleb pocketed the card. “Anyway, enough of that. Let’s get this stuff finished up. I’m eager to hear what he has to say.”


Myc has been writing professionally since 2005, solo and with Shayne Carmichael. Genres include pretty much anything (no steampunk yet), though Myc is well known for paranormal stories. When not writing, Myc is usually playing PC games, reading, watching Netflix, and spending way too much time on Facebook. Since the question has come up in the past, pronouns are not an issue. Myc is bio-female, mentally male, and 100% genderfluid, so any pronoun works!


Throwback Thursday: Frosty the Snow Dom by NYT Bestseller Angela Knight #TBT #Christmas #paranormalromance #BDSM @AngelaKnight

Steaming up the ice…

When ice artist Judith Dane is hired to create a kinky version of Michelangelo’s David, she thinks the ice sculpture is just another Christmas party centerpiece. But when she delivers the work she’s nicknamed “Frosty the Snow Dom” to the BDSM club Valhalla, the party turns out to be a lot stranger than she expects.

When Frosty comes to life just like a certain snowman, she discovers just how hot ice can be. But what happens when the spell breaks?

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All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2017 Angela Knight

Judith Dane stepped forward to sink the electric chainsaw carefully into the block of ice, sending a fine spray of snow crystals flying. The Stihl E180 vibrated in her grip as she sliced downward in a long, smooth curve, following the outline of muscled male ribs cut into the ice.

The sculpture would serve as the centerpiece of the client’s party the next night. Judith wanted to finish roughing the figure in before she returned it to the walk-in freezer overnight.

She was alone in the dim, cavernous studio, with its racks of power tools, chisels, and drill bits. This close to midnight, the other carvers had gone home. Judith knew she should follow suit, but the compulsion to work on Frosty was too strong to ignore.

She had no idea why she felt so enthralled by the piece she called Frosty the Snow Dom. For one thing, she didn’t have time for an attack of artistic obsession. With Christmas just four days away, IceCellence Ice Sculptures had more work than they knew what to do with. Corporations, hotels, and the wealthy had commissioned another forty-two sculptures for holiday parties between now and New Year’s.

Though she had to admit, this was the first time she’d ever been called upon to re-create Michelangelo’s David as a leather Dom. Valhalla, New York’s newest BDSM club, was hosting a Christmas party.

The mind boggled.

Just think of all the things you could do with a candy cane. Judith grinned. She had to admit, the thought was intriguing. Which is probably a sign I’ve read too many kinky romances.

Chainsaw rumbling, Judith stepped back to study the six-foot rectangle of ice — a pair of three-hundred-pound blocks stacked on top of one another and frozen together. She’d used an electric drill to carve a shallow outline of the figure on the surface of the blocks.

Frosty was going to be her best work yet.

Hefting the chainsaw, Judith stepped in again to deepen the cut she’d just made. A hunk of ice fell, narrowly missing her foot, and she danced as it shattered on the concrete floor. As she released the Stihl’s trigger, the blade automatically stopped whining.

A bloodcurdling scream tore through the sudden silence. Judith jumped, damn near dropping the chainsaw.

“No!” A woman cried in the quavering voice of the elderly. “Leave me alone!”

“I don’t think so, you old bitch,” a man snarled over a chorus of drunken male laughter. “We’re tired of you stinking up the streets.”

Something thudded. There was another pitiful cry. “Stop! Let me go! Help!”

More ugly laughter.

Oh fuck. Fuckety fuck fuck. Judith ran to her wheeled carving station, put down the Stihl, and snatched up her cell phone. Her thumb danced over the screen.

“911,” a cool male voice said. “What’s your emergency?”

“I hear a woman screaming in the alley outside IceCellence Ice Sculptures. Sounds like several men are attacking her.” She rattled off her name and the Brooklyn address.

“We’ll send an officer. Stay inside and don’t unlock your door.”

Outside, the woman screamed again.

“Hurry! It sounds like they’re killing her.” Judith hung up, shaking, as she stared at the fire door that led to the alley behind IceCellence. She hoped the cops hauled ass. Every minute they delayed gave those bastards more time to do God knows what. Would the old woman even be alive by the time they arrived?

Thud. “No! Help!” The last word quavered, a pitifully weak cry.

Judith’s eyes fell on the Stihl lying on her carving station. Nothing’s quite as intimidating as a chainsaw.

“Heeeelppp!” A gasp.

Fuck this. She dropped the cell in a pocket of her hoodie and ran to the pegboard, where a huge roll of extension cord hung. Heaving the coil off the wall, she lugged it back to her station. You couldn’t use a gas-powered chainsaw indoors, so all their equipment was electric. Unfortunately, that meant the machine had to be plugged in.

This is crazy, the voice of sanity protested in the back of her mind. Judith didn’t care. That old lady sounded too damn much like her grandmother. Damned if I’ll stand here and listen to her get the shit beaten out of her.


New York Times best-selling author Angela Knight has written and published more than sixty novels, novellas, and ebooks, including the Mageverse and Merlin’s Legacy series. With a career spanning more than two decades, Romantic Times Bookclub Magazine has awarded her their Career Achievement award in Paranormal Romance, as well as two Reviewers’ Choice awards for Best Erotic Romance and Best Werewolf Romance.

Angela is currently a writer, editor, and cover artist for Changeling Press LLC. She also teaches online writing courses. Besides her fiction work, Angela’s writing career includes a decade as an award-winning South Carolina newspaper reporter. She lives in South Carolina with her husband, Michael, a thirty-year police veteran and detective with a local police department.


TGIF Changeling — New from Torri Heat, ML Uberti, Harley Wylde, Marteeka Karland, Alexa Piper, Stephanie Burke

It’s time for our 17th Annual A Very Changeling Christmas Celebration — Win Free Books For A Year!

All New Releases 15% off at ChangelingPress.com

Nyctophilia (Darkling 1)Nyctophilia (Darkling 1)
by Torri Heat
Sale Price: $4.24

Jasper’s a private investigator – and a werewolf. But he’s not the one Ava should be afraid of.

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Sleeping Nova (Galactic Breeding Program 1)Sleeping Nova (Galactic Breeding Program 1)
by ML Uberti
Sale Price: $4.24

By the time alien Axic Seven falls for his lottery bride, will it be too late for him to win her?

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Sarge/Dragon Duet (Print) (Dixie Reapers MC Print 14)Sarge/Dragon Duet (Print)
by Harley Wylde

Whatever it takes, she’s mine. Even if I have to kill to keep her.

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Sword/Viper Duet (Print) (Bones MC Print 2)Sword/Viper Duet (Print)
by Marteeka Karland


Bones MC. We protect our own. Even against The Devil himself…

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Now Available at Amazon, Apple Books, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo/Walmart

Blood (Salvation's Bane MC 5)Blood (Salvation’s Bane MC 5)
by Marteeka Karland
Sale Price: $3.39
She thinks she’s leaving when she’s done with me, but I’ve got other plans for my angel.

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Holiday Magic (Elvenswood Tales 1)Holiday Magic (Elvenswood Tales 1)
by Alexa Piper
Sale Price: $4.24
A hot vampire or a hot Elf? Charlie could choose… unless she makes both of them her lovers.
How Not To Date A Snowman (How Not To 11)How Not To Date A Snowman (How Not To 11)
by Stephanie Burke
Sale Price: $4.24
Wishes can come true at Christmas, even for naughty little girls and snowmen!
A Changeling For All Seasons 1 (Changeling Seasons 1)Spotlight:
A Changeling For All Seasons Volume 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Multi-Author Anthology Series
$5.99 each
Sale Price: $4.79

Filled with the unexpected, this paranormal anthology offers something to savor for every season.

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Margaret Riley

TGIF Changeling — New from Marteeka Karland, Alexa Piper, Stephanie Burke, Harley Wylde, Emily Carrington, Shelby Morgen

It’s time for our 17th Annual A Very Changeling Christmas Celebration — Win Free Books For A Year!

All New Releases 15% off at ChangelingPress.com

Blood (Salvation's Bane MC 5)Blood (Salvation’s Bane MC 5)
by Marteeka Karland
Sale Price: $3.39
She thinks she’s leaving when she’s done with me, but I’ve got other plans for my angel.

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Holiday Magic (Elvenswood Tales 1)Holiday Magic (Elvenswood Tales 1)
by Alexa Piper
Sale Price: $4.24
A hot vampire or a hot Elf? Charlie could choose… unless she makes both of them her lovers.
How Not To Date A Snowman (How Not To 11)How Not To Date A Snowman (How Not To 11)
by Stephanie Burke
Sale Price: $4.24
Wishes can come true at Christmas, even for naughty little girls and snowmen!
A Changeling For All Seasons 1 (Changeling Seasons 1)Spotlight:
A Changeling For All Seasons Volume 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

Multi-Author Anthology Series
$5.99 each
Sale Price: $4.79

Filled with the unexpected, this paranormal anthology offers something to savor for every season.

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Patriot (Hades Abyss MC 6)Patriot (Hades Abyss MC 6)
by Harley Wylde
Sale Price: $4.24


All I want for Christmas is MaryAnne… even if she’s off limits.

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A Dragon for Christmas (Dragon Schooled 4)A Dragon for Christmas (Dragon Schooled 4)
by Emily Carrington
Sale Price: $3.39


For a human, marriage to an immortal means facing mortality. Henry’s solution? Become a werewolf.

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Imminent Danger (Wrench & Spanner 2)Imminent Danger (Wrench & Spanner 2)
by Shelby Morgen
Sale Price: $3.39


He looked like trouble. Exactly the kind of trouble she needed right now. Merry Friggin’ Christmas.

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A Changeling For All Seasons 1 (Changeling Seasons 1)Spotlight:
A Changeling For All Seasons Volume 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Multi-Author Anthology Series
$5.99 each
Sale Price: $4.79

Filled with the unexpected, this paranormal anthology offers something to savor for every season.

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Margaret Riley

Throwback Thursday: Krampus to the Rescue #HolidayRomance #TBThursday @crymsynhart

Krampus to the Rescue (Christmas Magic 3)

When Jack Frost appears at Krampus’ house asking for help to save Santa, Krampus knows with his arch-enemy gone, Christmas could be his for the taking. But Jack is willing to sweeten the deal, so Krampus goes to help Jack on his mission.

What they find is the Elves running amok in Christmas Town and Mrs. Claus held prisoner. Racing against time, Krampus must face an even darker energy to rescue Santa.

Get it at Changeling Press


All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2017 Crymsyn Hart

“Jingle balls. Jingle balls. Swinging all the way. Oh what fun it is to squeeze…”

Krampus followed the sound of Emerald’s off-key singing into the kitchen. He stood in the doorway and watched the cook. Her scarlet hair was bound up between the two curled horns on her head. She once told him she got the horns and her hooves from a god who cursed her because he didn’t appreciate her psychic predictions.

Krampus adored every bit of her — except her singing.

She rolled ground meat between her hands and set the finished ball into a pan. From the smell of the cooked ones, he suspected sausage and ground turkey. They weren’t made with the human meat he enjoyed more. His taste for long pig was an acquired one. It came with the office. Still, his stock had thinned during the winter and he needed them to fatten up. He listened to a few more bars and cringed before he went into the kitchen.

Emerald glanced up from her task. Her smile dazzled him. “You’re back early. Dinner’s not ready yet.”

He nuzzled her neck. His forked tongue flicked along her flesh until she shivered. A small moan escaped her lips as his hands slipped underneath her apron and skirt and over her luscious thighs. “I needed a break. And then I smelled this wonderful aroma and heard your god-awful singing.”


Crymsyn Hart is a National Bestselling author of over eighty paranormal romance and horror novels. Her experiences as a psychic and ghostly encounters have given her a lot of material to use in her books. Vampires, grim reapers, shifters, and other paranormal creatures tend to end up in her books no matter how hard she tries to keep them away.

She currently resides in Charlotte, NC with her hubby and her three dogs. If she’s not writing, she’s curled up with the dogs watching a good horror movie or off with friends.

To find out more about Crymsyn, check out her website on: www.crymsynhart.com

Throwback Thursday: Just a Little Magic by Kate Douglas #holidayromance #TBThursday @WolfTales

Just a Little Magic

Beth Adams expected a proposal of marriage on Christmas Eve. What she gets is a wanna-be Santa Claus who’s just gotten pink-slipped. Dominic Claus isn’t merely good looking, he’s perfect… he’s just not Santa material.

Beth couldn’t care less, especially once she discovers Dom is a lot more than a good looking guy in a Santa suit — he’s the lover of her dreams, toys included. Unfortunately, he actually thinks he’s an Elf.

Differences aside, Beth discovers all it takes is Just a Little Magic to find true love.

Publisher’s Note: Just A Little Magic was previously available in an anthology at another house that has since gone dark.

Get it at Changeling Press


All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2017 Kate Douglas

A loud clatter followed the thumps. A bang, what sounded suspiciously like a curse, then another thump.

Steve! Damn him… The idiot must think that if he installed the stupid satellite dish, he’d get back in her good graces. And her bed.

“Fat chance, you bastard.” Beth jumped out of bed and grabbed her robe and slippers. Thank goodness she’d finally seen the light. Stephanie and Margaret had been telling her what a jerk Steve was, but she just hadn’t been able to see it.

“Well, my eyes are wide open tonight, kiddo.”

Like an avenging angel, Beth stormed out the front door. How odd. There was no ladder in sight. She heard it again. A thump and a muffled curse. “Steve, get off my roof. I told you, I do not want a satellite dish.”

“Huh? Wha…” A startled shout, another curse. Suddenly a body slid over the edge of the roof, past the rain gutters, missed Beth by mere inches and landed in the snowdrift beside the front porch.

Not Steve. Definitely not Steve. Caught in the glow of the porch light, the figure was dressed all in red and buried face first in the snow. Cautiously, Beth leaned over to see if he was all right.

The figure moaned, grunted, said, “Aw, fuck,” in a soft, dejected voice, and Beth heard a loud sigh. After a moment, he turned himself right side up and shook his head.

White hair, a long white beard… red suit and black boots. It had to be…

Nah. No way.

“I don’t think so.” Beth crossed her arms over her large breasts, suddenly feeling nearly naked and a whole lot vulnerable, standing in her front yard in her robe, talking to a strange man. A very strange man. “Who the hell are you?”

“I was supposed to be the new Kris Kringle, but they pink slipped me.” He sighed, then held up his right hand. Without thinking, Beth reached out and helped pull him to his feet. Just as quickly, she dropped his hand and rubbed hers against her thigh. Even beneath the black leather gloves he wore, his grip was warm and alive. She felt a shiver race from her fingertips to the spot where she suddenly remembered the little remote control egg was waiting for instructions.

Her vaginal muscles tightened involuntarily around the egg. Beth grabbed the porch railing for support.

Obviously favoring his right ankle, the man still towered over her, no great feat since she was barely over five feet tall. Beth fought the impulse to step back. “I’m still waiting to know who you are and what you were doing on my roof.”

She thought of tapping her foot, realized her toes were numb from the cold, and stepped up on the porch. At least now she was closer to eye level with the man.

He grabbed the railing, as if for support. She wondered just how badly he’d hurt himself in his tumble from the roof.

“I’m Dominic. Dominic Claus.” He reached up and swept the red hat off his head, taking the heavy white wig with it. The fake beard joined the wig. The two pieces dangled like dead white rabbits from his left hand. Beth shuddered and took another step back.

With his overly long coal-black hair and clean-shaven face, Nick Whoever-he-was suddenly looked a lot more threatening… and terribly appealing.


Kate Douglas really likes to write hot. Known for her sexy Wolf Tales series that began here at Changeling Press, she’s known for pushing the envelope on those larger than life stories. She’s a mom, a grandmother and a wife of over 40 years to a really terrific guy who puts up with all her “writer-related” idiosyncrasies. Still, her fantasy world keeps her smiling as she creates off-the-wall stories with sexy heroes and kick-ass heroines.

Be sure and “like” Kate at www.facebook.com/katedouglas.authorpage and follow her on Twitter @wolftales. You can read excerpts of all of Kate’s books at www.katedouglas.com. Just click on the erotic romance link, and if you’re interested in winning the occasional free book, join her newsletter at www.groups.yahoo.com/group/KateDouglas.

Throwback Thursday: Merry X-Moose by Julia Talbot #HolidayRomance #TBThursday @juliatalbot

Merry X-Moose (Reindeer Games 9)

Sleigh engineer Laird is an Elf on a mission. He wants comfort and joy for Santa, but his new design needs more pull than eight tiny reindeer can provide. Laird isn’t willing to give up on his idea, and when he meets Bruiser, he thinks he might not need to.

Bruiser is living the dream, a moose shifter from Vancouver working for Santa and tutoring baby reindeer. Laird fascinates Bruiser the moment they meet, and they soon find a lot of common ground, in and out of the toy sack. When Laird asks Bruiser to help Santa out, he’s terrified he’ll mess up, but how can a moose say no to an Elf like Laird?

Get it at Changeling Press


All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2015 Julia Talbot

“Seriously, Laird, you’ve lost your mind,” Laiyde said. His sister didn’t pull any punches, even with him being the head of sleigh engineering. “You do remember eight tiny reindeer, right? There’s no way Santa’s team can pull the sleigh with the extra weight you’re proposing.”

“He’s not getting any younger, Lai. Santa needs protection. This little cockpit is nothing. Hell, if Rudolph would just go full time…”

“Rudolph retired to Finland after you created that LED beam, remember?” She rolled her eyes, dark brown like his. They were twins, but thankfully she couldn’t grow a full beard like he did. That would be awkward.

“Right.” Shit. “Well, there are always a hundred young bucks competing at the reindeer games. Just get Sparkle to add two more to the team.”

His sister threw up her hands. “Just add two more. Like it’s that easy! Santa has used the same harness since the fifties! One extra attachment was added then for Rudolph. You can’t just change the whole of Christmas history every year!”

“Hey, I just want him to be safe.” Santa had slipped and damned near fallen off a house last year pulling a package out of the back of the sleigh. Laird thought about the implications of losing Santa and wanted to throw up.

“We all do. You’re going to have to redesign.” She patted his arm. “Talk to the magic team. See if they can make a bubble or something.”

“I did. They can’t make my dome lose any weight, even though they say they can equalize the pressure and keep flight horizontal without loss of velocity and altitude. Best they can do.”

“Well, that’s something.” She smiled. “I’ll make hot chocolate.”

“With star marshmallows?” Laird asked.

“Anything for you, Bro.”

“Cool. Give me an hour to go talk to Sparkle and you’re on.”

She rolled her eyes again, but didn’t say anything. She just waved him off.

Laird pulled his parka on over his flannel shirt and snow pants. While Christmas Elves were well suited to the cold climate, this time of year was brutal. The toymakers and cobblers and all never went outside right now. They had long breezeways between their dorms and the workshops.

The rest of them had to brave freezing their balls off.

He trundled down to the reindeer barns, where he knew Captain Sparkle would be putting the chosen eight through their paces. The pulling reindeer had to bulk up as much as possible between now and the big day, and they all had to learn emergency procedures and weather contingencies.

He stomped snow off his boots once he got to the barn offices, the wind howling behind him when he slammed the door shut.

“Shit, it’s colder than a well-digger’s ass out there,” he mumbled.

“I imagine that’s colder than a witch’s tit.”

Laird whirled around to face the guy who’d just walked up behind him. Then he grinned. “Depends on if it’s in a brass bra.”

“Mmm. What about a sleigh reindeer in a snowstorm’s balls?” the guy asked.

“Nothing is colder than that,” Laird said. “There’s too much ether to fight.”

“I bet. I’m Bruiser, and I’m on desk duty today. What can I do for you?”

“New guy, huh?” He smiled. New guys were few and far between. Bruiser was an amazing newcomer, taller than Elves, even, and contrary to myth, Santa’s Elves were way more Tolkien than Oompa Loompa. This guy was all leg, lanky and surprisingly tanned, with a shock of dark hair. Dark brown eyes shone with humor.


Julia Talbot lives in the great Southwest, where she’s embraced hot and cold running rodeo, cowboys, and everything from meat and potatoes to the best Tex-Mex. A full time author, Julia believes everyone deserves a happy ending, so she writes about love without limits, where boys love boys, girls love girls, and boys and girls get together to get wild, especially when her crazy paranormal characters are involved.

Find her online: Website | Twitter | Facebook

Throwback Thursday: Bad Elf, No Candy Cane by Sean Michael #HolidayRomance #TBThursday @seanmichael09

Bad Elf, No Candy Cane (Peppermint Twist 8)

When candy maker Syllabub runs away from the North Pole, Claus sends his best enforcer after the wayward elf.

Power is good at his job, but when he finds Syllabub in the sweltering heat of Ottawa in July, the last thing he wants to do is return to the North Pole.

Is there something between them? Or has the heat gone to Power’s head? Only time will tell.

Get it at Changeling Press

Praise for Bad Elf, No Candy Cane

“This book is 26 pages of pure hotness… I thought this would be a fun read. Boy was I right. So yes, if you are looking for an incredibly smexy read, with a few good laughs then I recommend this completely. It is one you will want to read again and again.”— Bethany, Rainbow Gold Reviews

“Watching their relationship begin to take shape made for a great read. The attraction that the two have is instant and sizzling and I loved seeing the two act upon it. This book is a feel good read that brought a smile to my face.”— 4 Stars from Mistletoe, Long and Short Reviews


Writing under S. Michael for Het Ménage and Sean for signature M/M titles, Sean Michael leads a classic double life.

Often referred to as “Space Cowboy” and “Gangsta of Love” while still striving for the moniker of “Maurice,” Sean Michael spends days surfing, smutting, organizing an immense gourd collection and fantasizing about one day retiring on a small secluded island peopled entirely by horseshoe crabs.

While collecting vast amounts of vintage gay pulp novels and mood rings, Sean whiles away the hours between dropping the f-bomb and perusing the Kama Sutra by channeling the long lost spirit of John Wayne and singing along with the soundtrack to “Chicago.”

A long-time writer of complicated haiku, currently Sean is attempting to learn the advanced arts of plate spinning and soap carving sex toys.

Barring any of that? Sean’ll stick with writing stories, thanks, and rubbing pretty bodies together to see if they spark.

You can write to Sean at seanmichaelwrites@gmail.com, or visit his websites including Cafe Risque http://caferisque.blogspot.com. For Sean Michael’s M/M works, see www.seanmichaelwrites.com. For Sean’s adventures into the HET world as S. Michael, see www.seanmichaelwrites.com/smichaelbooks.html.

Throwback Thursday: Yule Wolf by Kate Hill #HolidayRomance #TBThursday @katehillromance

Yule Wolf (Christmas Cookies Multi-Author 1)

While in the icy North, Professor Roth Lawrence, an expert in Viking history, is separated from his expedition and is sure he will die alone in the dangerous, frozen mountains. Injured and suffering from exposure, he comes upon a brightly lit cave and meets an enormous wolf, a magnificent creature whose kiss can save or take life.

The last of his kind, Fenris has spent centuries on the outskirts of modern society — a werewolf alone and longing for companionship. Finding a wounded mortal in his lair is a temptation he cannot resist, but the man is near death. Saving him means they will be bound forever.

On this dark, cold Yuletide Eve, man and beast exchange blood and share love deeper than they’d ever dreamed as Fenris offers Roth the most priceless holiday gift imaginable.

Get it at Changeling Press


All rights reserved.
Copyright ©2007 Kate Hill

Roth Lawrence drew a ragged breath. His lungs burned from the frigid air. Bitter cold wind sliced across his face as he crawled over ice and snow. Even the blood that, just a short time ago, had flowed from his injured side froze in the ferocious weather.

Weak from exhaustion and the fall he’d taken when he’d slipped down the mountainside, he could scarcely move. Yet he knew if he stopped he’d die. Of course his chances of survival were practically zero either way.

Several weeks ago he and a select group of students from his university had begun a winter expedition, wanting to understand for themselves the living conditions of a world they had only read about or knew through artifacts.

Earlier, when the group had retired for some much needed sleep, Roth had been unable to rest. The urge to leave the cold tent for the even colder outdoors overcame him. Bundled in his protective gear, he walked only a short distance away from the tent. Then sudden squalls blinded and confused him. He thought he was traveling in the direction of his tent, but instead wandered away from the camp. When the weather cleared enough for him to see, his campsite was nowhere in sight. Knowing he couldn’t survive long under such conditions, he shouted for his companions, but they must not have heard.

That seemed like hours ago.

Roth wasn’t sure why he continued on in the vain hope of finding the others. This frozen land which he had so loved to study would soon become his icy grave.

He slipped and fell flat on his face. Snow bit into his flesh, but he could scarcely muster the strength to lift his head. When he did, he knew for certain his time had come, for he was undoubtedly hallucinating.

In the distance he saw a warm glow in the mountainside, like firelight dancing in a cave.

He managed a weak, humorless laugh. The motion sent blood trickling from his chapped lips and while the salty taste made him slightly sick, the warmth was almost welcome.

With agonizing slowness, he dragged himself toward the glow. Halfway there he noticed a large, pale figure emerge from the cave. Too small for a bear yet too large for a wolf, it trotted toward him on all fours. Soon it came near enough for him to see that it was indeed a wolf. Enormous, with a shaggy grayish-white pelt and slanted blue eyes, it paused, lowering its head to sniff Roth’s face.

“I must be dead,” he murmured. His strength finally gave out and he collapsed at the magnificent beast’s feet.


Kate Hill (Also writing as Saloni Quinby)

Always a fan of romance and the paranormal, I started writing over twenty years ago. My first story was accepted for publication in 1996. Since then I’ve written over one hundred short stories, novellas and novels. I love to blend genres. I also love horror and a happily ever after, so if you’re looking for romance with witches, aliens, vampires, angels, demons, shapeshifters and more, there’s a good chance you’ll find something to your taste here.

When I’m not writing, I enjoy reading, watching horror and action movies, working out and spending time with my family and pets.  I love hearing from readers, so feel free to leave a comment at my blog or connect with me on Twitter.

Find her online: Author Website | Twitter