THROWBACK THURSDAY: Blood Oath by Kira STone #LGBTQ #darkfantasy

In Taggert’s Bend, the vampires love to hate the magical tricksters, and the witches hate to love the unnatural beasts. So, to keep the feuding to a minimum, the blood drinkers refrain from dining on the magicians as long as the gifted spellcasters occasionally share with them a fraction of their natural charms.

Blending the essence of the natural and unnatural has unexpected consequences when a new Vampire Lord is selected to endure the Blood Oath. Each attempt to successfully conclude the Oath only creates more chaos. Will these powerful enemies conclude the spell before an evil they fear more than each other consumes them all?

Publisher’s Note: This collection contains the previously published novellas Blood PriceBlood MagicA Marked Man, and Blood Oath.

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Copyright ©2018 Kira Stone
Excerpt from Blood Magic

Lord Rainer Allen surveyed the action in the steam room. Naked, writhing bodies adorned almost every surface, perhaps twenty in total. Any one of them could be his sex partner. All he had to do was beckon, and they’d come running. Just thinking about it made him hard.

That’s where he had to stop. At thinking about it. To act on his urges would be foolish in the extreme.

Kassian nudged him with a toe. “See anything you like?” The vampire lay on his side, one leg bent up to give Rainer a good look at his nine-inch cock as he stroked it to fullness.

“Nothing I’m dying to have.” Rainer preferred men to women. He’d made no secret of it, but his openness sometimes worked against him. Kassian had been trying to seduce him since he’d transferred in from Eastern Europe. Seventy-four years was one heck of a long time to continually reject a very tempting offer.


“I’d be using them, and possibly hurting them in the process. They deserve better treatment than that.”

“Use me. I don’t mind a little pain.”

Sebastian’s arrival prevented Rainer from having to answer. The blond perched on the stone bench next to his husky lover. “I see you started without me.” He took over the stroking.

Kassian put his hands behind his head and interlaced his fingers, his eyes on Rainer as Sebastian turned putty into stone. “What took you so long?”

“Door alarm went off.” Sebastian kissed the inside of his lover’s knee.

Rainer watched the landscape of the black leather stretched across the blond’s lap change from a plateau to a mountain peak. Kassian alone was dangerous enough to Rainer’s self-control. When joined by his rough and ready live-in lover, the combination was kryptonite against his inner strength. Each time it got harder to resist their enticement. Tonight he might be foolish enough, and desperate enough, to take them up on it.

Hoping there was a crisis brewing so he’d have an excuse to dodge them a few more hours, Rainer asked, “Problem?”

“No, just a neophyte who couldn’t tell his ass from a hole in the wall. He’s so fresh out of the grave he still triggered the mortal buzzer.”


Kira Stone lives in a warm cave tucked away in the remote Scottish Highlands, where a small band of ever-changing heroes serves as company. As they relax in front of a roaring fire, demons dance in leather pants and angels stroke tunes from the harp strings, while the Fae stop in to share tales from other worlds. Bound by pen and imagination, these are the folk who wait to greet you from the pages of Kira’s stories.


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